Advice to a Young Man That Many of You Need [MTV]

  • Views: 3874861
  • Length: 00:22:31

Description: I gave this advice to one great kid on growing his personal brand and social media influence .. I just wanted most of you to hear it too

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Gary Vaynerchuk builds businesses. Fresh out of college he took his family wine business and grew it from a $3M to a $60M business in just five years. Now he runs VaynerMedia, one of the world’s hottest digital agencies. Along the way he became a prolific angel investor and venture capitalist, investing in companies like Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Uber, and Birchbox before eventually co-founding VaynerRSE, a $25M angel fund.

The #AskGaryVee Show is Gary’s way of providing as much value value as possible by taking your questions about social media, entrepreneurship, startups, and family businesses and giving you his answers based on a lifetime of building successful, multi-million dollar companies.

Gary is also a prolific public speaker, delivering keynotes at events like Le Web, and SXSW, which you can watch right here on this channel.

Find Gary here:

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Snapchat: garyvee

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Advice to a Young Man That Many of You Need

Video Views: 3874861

Video Rating: 5.00
Video Time: 1470944029
Video Date: 2016-08-11 19:33:49
Video Duration: 00:22:31
Video Likes: 102455

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Video ID: HwXsFPZp3fQ
Video Author: UCctXZhXmG-kf3tlIXgVZUlw ,
Video Author Title: GaryVee

Source Link: Click here
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Video Tags: Advice to a Young a Man That Many of You Need,Garyvee,self awareness,advice for your 20s,advice for your 30s,advice for young people,how to build a business,how to be successful,personal branding,advice for college students,motivation,personal growth,know your strengths,brand building,how to build a personal brand,social media influencer,becoming an influencer,instagram influencer,document over create,document your journey,grow following on social media

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I gave this advice to one great kid on growing his personal brand and social media influence .. I just wanted most of you to hear it too

watch all of my entrepreneurial journey HERE: watch my all of journey as an entrepreneur HERE:

► Subscribe to My Channel Here

Gary Vaynerchuk builds businesses. Fresh out of college he took his family wine business and grew it from a $3M to a $60M business in just five years. Now he runs VaynerMedia, one of the world’s hottest digital agencies. Along the way he became a prolific angel investor and venture capitalist, investing in companies like Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Uber, and Birchbox before eventually co-founding VaynerRSE, a $25M angel fund.

The #AskGaryVee Show is Gary’s way of providing as much value value as possible by taking your questions about social media, entrepreneurship, startups, and family businesses and giving you his answers based on a lifetime of building successful, multi-million dollar companies.

Gary is also a prolific public speaker, delivering keynotes at events like Le Web, and SXSW, which you can watch right here on this channel.

Find Gary here:

Wine Library:
Snapchat: garyvee
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Title Hastagged: #Advice #Young #Man

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  1. Hey Gary, watching my way thru your content, this was a nice question at the end of your video. 🙂 One of the changes I have made during this reply actually was to put up and start my weekly storyboard on the wall! Document over create is a spectacular mindset! I must put in the work, this boils to the 10K hours rule etc which is a successful fundamental, I love sharing so I feel this will be enjoyable. Hands down though, the most important habit I have learned from you so far is to reply to every comment until it's not humanly possible. Just stellar Gary, out of the park every time man! A well earned cheers!

  2. I have constantly failed over the years where I have been ambitious in my goals, have always put 100% in but always fell short. It has happened to me 3 times in the last 7 years with major positions I have gone for. I am now in a position where I feel I have just settled for a job role and am not happy at all as my strengths and potential have just been dulled down which has lead to so much frustration. I have done a lot of work on myself looking at my personal values, personal goals, what resources I would want from a job and have tried to align something that matches that but I still am struggling to figure this out. The take away I have taken from this video is that we have all had a journey which has got us to where we are today whether that is success or struggle. I feel like I am empathetic, I love helping others and want to really feel like I make a difference to peoples lives but from what you said it's about talking to the world about the process of going through these struggles rather than giving advise about it. People want to know they are not the only ones feeling like this and want to justify to themselves that they are normal. I want people to feel like they can relate to me and reassure them that everything is okay, I just need to realise how to utilise this to build something which is what I am currently figuring out. Thank you for your advise!

  3. My take away on this Gary,

    Is the journey is to be genuine and enjoy the process. That is the key.

    If you focus on the expected results you, the fear overcomes your drive. Goals are good but so are milestones.

  4. Gary, I’m 29 years old. I am quitting my 9 to 5 in 3 weeks. I’ve been doing a graphic design, vehicle wrap side gig since I graduated trade school for something completely different. I’ve never been so scared in my life but I say the same thing you do. “Regret scares the shit out of me”. My biggest take away with this was when you told him to “document the process of getting to this point”. Im going to start documenting my process daily! I wish I could follow up with you in a month and tell you what’s happening!lol If you read these comments and you have 10 minutes to share a phone call I would love to tell you more about my story and share why I am so passionate about this. I always say “I’ll die before I quit” Im pushing 18 hour days 7 days a week right now and it’s starting to build quickly. Let’s chat bro. I mean it.

  5. Damn, you got me pretty good, Gary! I'm moved by your genuine and authentic self leading by example to document the process and having fun being yourself. Finally executing on a container you'll be happy to put your money in! Thank you!

  6. I really appreciate your outlook on creating consistent content. I am currently developing a brand and one of my struggles is creating content to create growth. Document bs Create

    I tend to find really interesting people to stoke up great conversations with and I never considered capturing those moments and creating content from them.

    I take so much pride in my ability to create that I overwhelm myself in the creative process. Lots of unfinished projects smh

    I have been focusing on doing more this year, and as a conspiracy theorist I wanted to create a safe community where we can discuss fringe topics without ridicule and hate. I have found success growing this community on Facebook and looking to the future I think I need to plot a path for it’s growth.

    Thank you for your wisdom, I have shared this video with people I know will appreciate.


  7. Takeaway:
    The way of putting out something: 'suggesting' from a 'humble' point vs 'telling' from an 'authoritarian' point.

    Coz that's what I have been scared of : judgement. Judgement of being called know it all', 'too young to even know this', 'show-off'… Basically imposter syndrome.

    This tip is really really an answer to all that.

    If I can put out most of the content, that I wanna put out, in a suggestive way rather than some 'concrete set way' : it will create huge huge scope for acceptance and feedback and less of judgement

  8. 1st takeaway is know you and have your stuff on lock before expanding the team. You have to be a solid starter to have a meaningful voice to the rest of the team. as an older human, 2nd key take away is stop thinking and do. a great book called stop talking, start doing ( and its action book) does what Gary does- talks facts and proposes things to do. its execution that gives you the feedback be be better the next time. Great content as always Gary

  9. Don't create…. document. There is a lot to unpack in these three words. I have a feeling that a lot of us need to work on why we aren't brave enough to document the place that we're in right now. I suspect that there's few instances where there is an actual physical/strategic barrier, and that it's most likely internal work we need to do on what we're allowing to hold us back. Mindset is everything

  10. Today, you made me realize something I KNOW I have been wanting to do for a long time but didn't have the confidence to execute. ME. My takeaway is ME. I have a passion for all things Paranormal and any opportunity I get, I find myself trying to convince people THIS IS HOW WE ARE GOING TO EVOLVE! I did the whole, learning the techniques, researching blah blah blah to share the message via Youtube but what I really wanted to do was share my experiences and get EVERYONE to start talking and really looking into the Paranormal, the spirit world, ghosts. Its such an untapped subject (and I dont mean on Youtube)! but absolutely massive to our very existence. Why are we not all researching, experimenting, searching for it? And instead of looking at how i present it to the world, i need to stop worrying and just DO. thanks to this video, I need to look from within and speak about it, start sharing, asking people to question it and not be scared of fallout from others. At 57! Im no beauty and my fear of judgement has just got in the way of getting the conversation started, and rather than just doing it the right way, great graphics, good sound, competing with the big guys, i should be thinking, 'what the fuck does it matter', i have a passion that I need to share, I tried following the rest, doing the same kind of videos thinking its how it needs to be done but its wrong for me, I need to get in front of the camera, stopping worrying about showing my eye bags and start doing what I feel I am meant to be doing. Im not arsed about views or making money, my passion is so much stronger than that. You asked on the video why should you invest in him, for me, I want people to invest in the paranormal. I wake up everyone morning and NEED to have conversations about this stuff so instead of being afraid, Im going to just do it, thanks Gary, only just found you but so glad I did, you speak my language. xx

  11. Takeaway: just be you. The version of who you think you should be will not set you to success. What will set you to success is just being you and putting it out to the world. More people will like you for your genuine self than who you think you should be.

  12. 1:40 the difference between understanding who you are vs who you wish you were" THIS is a harsh reality I know & I am at a crosshair at 40, I know I can be who I wish I was, I am just no there YET. I will strive to be that person, while remaining humble, knowing that I am NOT here yet, but can and will be with hard work and action…I am that person, that person just isn't where he is going yet.

  13. My take was: let my creativity and truth demonstrate who I am through consistent execution of effective and original work, effort and content. No excuses. Thank you Garry! Much love!!

  14. There were many things i took away, but i think one that stuck was the “ideas are shit, executions the game.” The magnitude of that is something i’ve always muttered but to hear it it sounds REAL

  15. I'm probably about 5 Years late with this comment but my takeaway from this video is that you don't always have to be the person speaking in each and every piece of content you put out.

    You can ask people questions
    You can interview people

    As long as you fabricate a content concept around the interview or around asking those questions.

    Just like the show you just made up, odd corner.
    If you can't create, then fabricate (have other people be the core of the pillar show) and then just be the person distributing it in your platforms

    The game is to put out as much content as is possible to garner people attention, it just doesn't have to be your voice all the time.

    Just create the show’s concept and, film the cast answering questions or whatever and then put?it?out!