Array [MTV]

  • Views: 1894350
  • Length: 00:00:30

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Why NFTs are a Big Deal Explained in 30 Seconds

Video Views: 1894350

Video Rating: 5.00
Video Time: 1614294383
Video Date: 2021-02-25 23:06:23
Video Duration: 00:00:30
Video Likes: 55268

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Video ID: i9003kA_AfU
Video Author: UCctXZhXmG-kf3tlIXgVZUlw ,
Video Author Title: GaryVee

Source Link: Click here
Video Image Hosted Here:

Video Tags: Gary Vaynerchuk,Garyvee business,gary vee,gary vaynerchuck,garyvee,business,success,entrepreneurship,entrepreneur

Video Download: Click here
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  1. Lmfao if you’re spending 5,000 hours of your life dwelling over a fucking blue check I’ll lead you back to your local psyche ward. Seriously the fact Gary Vee says this is a Freudian slip

  2. He made all his money in talking about wine, then bought into crypto early. He's been filthy rich. So now he is making more money talking about crypto and anything tied to it like he's an expert.