The Theory of Awesomeness | Vishen Lakhiani

The Theory of Awesomeness | Vishen Lakhiani

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Do you want to boost your productivity? Want to learn how to deal with anxiety? Mindvalley CEO, Vishen Lakhiani, gives an informative talk on how to live a life filled with success and happiness.

According to the Theory of Awesomeness, Vishen Lakhiani, informs us that when you meditate and combine goal setting, this process will naturally attract happiness, success, and money.

Learn how to make money by developing a growth mindset similar to Richard Branson in Vishen Lakhiani’s FREE masterclass ?

In this Ted Talks on education, “The Theory of Awesomeness,” is explained by Vishen Lakhiani as an Envisioning Method that you can apply to your daily life.

01:13 Where MindValley started
04:01 How MindValley moved to Malaysia
06:49 The Mind Shift and the Balance in business
08:41 Managing stress and anxiety
10:47 The Paradox of intention
15:23 Thee 11 commandments of awesomeness
18:53 The Blisscipline – The discipline of bliss
24:10 Mind Hack
26:08 Brules – Bull*hit rules
28:49 Some common Brules
32:57 3 Most important questions to set goals
42:41 People sharing their goals after asking these 3 questions to themselves
44:02 Where your true greatness come from

Develop your personal growth and spirituality through gratitude meditation in Vishen Lakhiani’s FREE masterclass ?

In this powerful presentation, Vishen Lakhiani’s inspiration comes from his own quest to redesign education and the personal growth movement, while having a ton of fun doing it.

By practicing mindfulness, he informs us that it will develop a self awareness like no other. When it comes to the power of meditation, showing gratitude and achieving happiness in everything you do fulfills the theory of awesomeness.

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  1. Last night I watched HBO "Terror in Mumbai"…I was scared…Paris….WTC what next?
    How can a man or woman know they will die for their "cause" and kill innocent people and children….are they brainwashed? Was civilization always this sad? Is TV and Media making life worse…we know…we see…and some copy. BRULES of Vishen…teach others the three rules….can that be enough?

  2. I have witnessed a crazy amount of speeches and talks, and this is one of the utterly most transformational. If you are reading comments to find out whether the 47 minutes are worth it like i did, WATCH IT

  3. Soo good! I loved the "brules" part, very inspirational stuff. I am a real estate investor, I'm pulling up my plan right now -and tripling my 5 year goal for #units. Thanks for the inspiration!

  4. Really disappointed with Vishen and Mindvalley. I purchased the uncompromised life course and have received nothing, i've sent of 9 emails to customer service no one has responded and i have filled out forms for a refund and got no response. For a company that tries to improve people I expected more very disappointed and upset.

  5. What a nice people there. Nice wishes. I wuld love to connect with the univers in a special way and help people to be happy and healthy. Uh, and i want to be a millioner! ?

  6. Love this guy and listen to him all of the time. However wording is important. I really hate when people call prostitution establishments whore houses. Most of these women are victims of human trafficking. They are not whores they are sex salves. Why don’t we call them rape establishments instead. Whore house is a very degrading term to poor victims forced to ruin their gift of life by disgusting perverts who treat them as products.

  7. Vishen is one of the best. I took one of his ideas to ask yourself questions and mixed them with Elena G Rivers Script to Manifest. I decided to learn to be an Integrative Holistic Energy Healing Practitioner. All these combined are Dale Carnegie's Mastermind Principle when you make unique combinations to create a new result. I write questions to myself like Vishen says 33 times a day for 3 days for each goal like Elena says. Like this—How amazing is it that I heal so completely and quickly? Meditating on that question. In journalism there is 1.)who 2.)what 3.)where 4.)when and 5.)why .There is Marisa Peer and Richard Dotts also. Thank you Vishen! I love you! I have a habit of trying to give back something good when I receive something. But be careful about who you tell unrealistic goals to. They might say you are crazy or bipolar like me. Fine! But we're wild in bed. ???