The Challenge of Self-Esteem | Eckhart Tolle Teachings

The Challenge of Self-Esteem | Eckhart Tolle Teachings

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Eckhart explores the concept of self-esteem and how it relates to spiritual awakening.

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How to have healthy self-esteem | Eckhart Tolle Teachings
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  1. How to create a population of willing slaves.
    1. encourage them to extinguish ego/personal identity/self esteem
    2. valorize the subordination of thinking to intuition or gut feeling

    Tolle has many interesting strategies for self actualization AND transcending our self imposed limitations (for freeing ourselves), but his choice of words is often troubling.

    By 'self esteem' he does seem to mean: inflated pride and pointless comparison with others. By 'thinking' he seems to mean OBSESSING over the past and WORRYING about the future AND mistakenly identifying ourselves with our obsessions and worries. His name for this mistake is 'ego'. Have I understood him correctly?

    So why not simply say what he means instead of using terms that can be so easily misinterpreted? A lot of grief has been caused through a misleading use of these words.

    Does he address this issue in any of his videos or books?

  2. Self esteem is always connected to the ego. It's related to your what is in comparison with others. Ego tries to compensate for inferiority with superiority.
    Only healthy self esteem is related to your deeper self. It's not I am better than. It's derived from the presence of you. No narrative is required to justify yourself.
    Thanks Eckhart. ????????

  3. I see myself as a warning to other humans. We pretend we are not terrible to eachother, we pretend we are not twisted self centered money grubbing miscalculations of evolution. humans are bad creatures by nature inherently. Dishonesty is the core element of what a human is. We are so dishonest we don't recognize this fact. I don't like being a human, I don't like humans we are disgusting mistake and the world will be a better place when we go extinct. I see myself as painfully honest about humanity, and the world we lie about and create has become defined by our ignorance and selfishness. I see myself as a rare person who has his eyes open enough to see how evil all humans are.

  4. Thank you for calming me from the anxieties of everyday living; it's so easy to fall into one's doubts and to feel like there's no one around but you have yourself and the joy of being whoever you please and that seems like enough

  5. Can you escape the culturely induced fake properties and be who you truly are in stead of working on an image to get approval from yrself and maybe some others. Most of us want to be accepted and hope to be loved by trying to attain the norms for being a woman, man, employee, mother, father, child… We are totally indoctrinated from the start of our awareness of our physical being by the norms we pick up from tv, parents, peers, educators. We trust judgement of others more then relying on our own intuition to judge ourselves. This is the cause of all emotional and physical suffering

  6. Seems to suggest that there is only self esteem from vanity/ false sense of importance/ superiority, or connection with the deeper self. What about self esteem from helping others, being kind etc? I guess some people are only kind and help others to boost their ego, but surely not all.

  7. I'm pretty sure most to all people have social anxiety to different degrees. It's still not completely encouraged to talk about it randomly. It goes back to what do we take ourself to be. If we identify with our self image which 99.9% of people do, we will always have a sens of anxiety and insecurity even if it's a good self image. Eckhart talks about identifying with pure consciousness which can't be pointed at or found conceptually. It's beyond concept or form. It's just your sens of knowing that you exist. Invisible spirit or space or presence. That can't be insecure or hurt or proud or anything. It's like having your sense of who you are from the invisible. You're true source. You don't identify with any self image or anything at all basically. That's true freedom and unconditional love. Loving yourself and feeling enough just for existing. Understanding this in theory can help but to live it and know it as FACT, meditation is KEY. Going deep in yourself to a place beyond thought. We mostly live on the surface which are the thoughts and emotions that keep on changing. As we go deeper we find STILLNESS, PRESENCE, PEACE, OUR TRUE UNCHANGING SELF that is always there as our TRUE SELF not needing any thought to represent us. If our thoughts are non existent, we still exist. We are not our thoughts basically. As long as we take ourself to be our thoughts and emotions, we will remain in a roller coaster of UP AND DOWN. That is SUFFERING. No real LASTING stability. We shouldn't try to control our thoughts. Just let them be and recognize who you are as the Watcher of them. Not the self image watcher, that's just another thought. Anything you see is not you and don't identify with it as being you. Again, not to easy to apply in practice as I still struggle with it. You just have to accept and let any uncomfortable thoughts and emotions play out, feel them and let them pass. Don't try to control anything going on inside yourself. First understand it conceptually with your mind like ye I can understand that I get it. Then practice meditation by just letting any thought and emotion play out and be THE PRESENT SILENT WATCHER which is not a thing or a someone. Identify and rest as the INVISIBLE PRESENCE that watches and feels THE VISIBLE. It gets easier with practice. I know it seems like a lot but I repeated myself quite a bit from different angles to make sure anyone understands it. Hope it helps.

  8. Ok I have to admit that this man change my life and the way of my thinking . I am so blessed to know him, I am sure if he is aware of how valuable is he.
    God bless him?

  9. I have just ordered your book , I cannot wait to read . Even though I know I will be using dictionary a lot . But I determined to read English version to have your original teaching . So exciting