Shouldn’t We Live As Simply As Possible

Shouldn’t We Live As Simply As Possible

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Eckhart discusses spiritual awakening as it relates to two aspects of life: the acquisition of things, and the activities we engage in.

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  1. I used to live in nice apartment(s) and have a lot of material possessions. Now I live relatively simply. One doesn’t automatically make me happier than the other, it’s exactly as he says. It’s all within. Thank you for the video!

  2. I have finally rid myself of this hyperactive mind. So peaceful, so enjoyable, so much more awareness. Since being this way, I have increased my productivity three fold.

  3. Eckhart Tolle has a net worth of $70 million……….what a fraud. It's not about how MUCH you have, it's your inner relationship to what you have. Lol. Anything to avoid personal responsibility for your greed.

  4. Thank you a car totally all the way from Carson City Nevada USA may God keep you and God bless you I'm alive and well in today's date is August 21st 2021 I'm alive and in gratitude you are a guru and my one of my finest teachers thank you and I love my family friends and Mother Earth and we're having a lot of fires and I'm alive and I'm doing the best I can

  5. What he says at 4 minutes is why modern “music” sucks. It’s all done now as a rush job. In the 70’s albums were finely crafted and had more space to develop the artists creativity.

  6. In having possessions you also help with the livelihood of others. Purchasing, even for yourself, can be a form of giving. Like he said, it’s about the relationship!

  7. I worry honestly about falling into this too much to the point where I can’t relate as well to people on an ego level. I also feel like I’m not helping others just sitting there as much as I would if I directly helped.

  8. Thank you, Eckhart, for this wonderful discussion. For many years I was in business and found that I didn't really have a life; I had a schedule. It began to dawn on me that I was too busy to have a life. And that was my problem: I was too busy. So, I recalibrated my life. Now I live in a modest house with much less "stuff". I am much less attached to things. I have retired from my business. I live a much simpler life and live in the NOW rather than in the past or future.
    My friends say that I look 10 years younger than I did 10 years ago. My health and well-being have improved to no end. They wonder at my ability to deal with the problems that life throws up without "losing the head". I say to them that the problem of the day is just part of another chapter in my life; it will be dealt with and it will pass. But I will not lose sleep over it.
    I am at peace now with the many difficult issues of my past life and childhood and have forgiven all those who might have injured me along the way. I find that I have much more compassion for people than I did before. I have learned to listen rather than speak. People come to me now to listen to their problems. It seems to help them. I have become a compassionate listener of sorts.
    I have to say that with much less "stuff" and less busyness, my life is much more fulfilled. Forgiving and relinquishing have been very refreshing. I enjoy your videos and lessons very much. I now spend much of my time writing and being at peace. Thank you Eckhart.

  9. I find it so strange to discover, again and again, that pretty much everything in life really does “come to you”. I used to believe that “I” had to do everything, had to manage everything. Otherwise how should anything happen??

    My most recent example is moving places. I knew my flatmate was moving out, yet it didn’t feel right to look for a new place for myself. At some point it did, and I started looking. Couldn’t find anything; Didn’t even know what I was looking for. My search radius changed, and at some point, quite suddenly, I knew it would be best to move back to my parents’ place. Suddenly I knew it! And it felt so right. Only two days after, I realised I had to start moving my things NOW – even though there was still another month to go in this apartment. So now I am moving my stuff, bit by bit, pretty much on my own. And it feels very peaceful. I declutter my own stuff and my parents’ cellar + my old room to make space. It feels lovely. And I just so happen to have the time for all that right now.

    Really… I am so amazed by how everything seems to go perfectly. Just because I am more and more able to get out of the way☺️???

    Much love to anyone reading this, may your life be in harmony with the Divine in you❤️

  10. This reminds me of how bullsh*t some of the businesses I've worked for in the past are run for the sake of making aggressive deadlines and maximum profit. I hate that through these business environments, I've created and succumbed to the nagging feeling that I'm bad for actually having the attention span and desire to do things right. Hearing Eckhart here has made me feel a little more supported…against my own doubts, really.