Relax into Being (Meditation) | The Key to Finding Inner Peace with Eckhart Tolle

Relax into Being (Meditation) | The Key to Finding Inner Peace with Eckhart Tolle

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Eckhart guides us through this meditation and talks about how meditation is not a “doing” but a “being,” how “now” is always …

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  1. Don't thank eckhart, people. Eckhart was created by an eternal Potter. Time creates various personalities and then dissolves them when it please Time. All are subservient to Eternity and its creative and destructive aspects . Tolle has no role in it.

  2. So glad Yoda finally reincarnated in human form❤❤❤❤ May the Force be with you always. Which is a silly statement because the Force can be nowhere else. Sending ALLLLL the Love to allll of you paying attention to the Pull and all that entails ❤❤❤❤❤❤

  3. Eckhart Tolle,
    "Primus inter pares".
    Bravo! Well done!
    This is crucial, quintessential!
    Exceptionally clear explanation,
    what a teaching! Fabulous!
    Thank you very much.
    You are a blessing for the Western world, but maybe also for a lot of buddhist people in Asia or other continents.

  4. -no thinking
    -awareness of being implies trascendence of thinking
    -if there are spaces it works for you.
    -what left of you if you don't remember your past?
    -becoming aware with that space without concepts
    -the consciousness of being is ananda.
    -transcendent of thinking, presence, which is awareness of being, awareness of awareness,
    -spaces arises between thoughts
    -while your doing there’s awareness of being,
    -what is awareness of being? Awareness of conciousness,

  5. I am deeply grateful for having found Eckhart some years ago. After attending a retreat at Omega, I found my teacher at home in Germany. Falls jemand einen spirituellen Lehrer zuhause sucht, empfehle ich nach "Satsang mit Artur" zu suchen. Es ist lebensverändernd. Ich bin zutiefst dankbar.

  6. I have listened to You, Echkart, on a daily/nightly basis for 5 years now…This is the clearest talk on consciounsness, You have send out here on YouTube! Thank You, Namaste !❤

  7. I saved this meditation to come back to it once in a while when I stumble opun it again. I can say that this type of meditation is so powerful for people with inattentive ADD. In this condition, it is very hard to break free from your constant train of nagging thoughts, (that seems to be powered x1000 compared with people who do not have inattentive ADD), but this meditation, together with Alan Watts' qoute: 'meditation is supposed to be fun' gives me the courage to look at my thoughts and my urges and stare into the crazy monkey brain I have, recognizing judgement when it comes along and ripping it from its root, healing myself.

  8. The power of awareness is making my life whole again I'm beginning to meditate and pray this is what I want not the thinking using intellectually but reaching a higher power.