Managing your addiction to technology | Eckhart Tolle Teachings

Managing your addiction to technology | Eckhart Tolle Teachings

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Eckhart emphasizes the importance of being disciplined with our use of devices because they are an extension of the human mind and are highly addictive. He suggests noticing if you are addicted to your device; and if you are, bring awareness to it so you can choose to be in the present moment.

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  1. I listen to spiritual teachers and audio books and bbc radio plays while I work at carpentry. This may be a higher quality addiction, but even so. Would I be better off concentrating on my work? What difference does it make?

  2. I wish I had some friends like Eckhart.. I'm so tired of people telling me that I'm weird bc I don't have social media accounts or bc I don't binge watch TV shows or don't spend hours watching tik tok, sometimes you just need someone to understand why you don't spend your time doing those things…

  3. I'd like to get rid of all my social media but What I find challenging is that I am in some fb groups that involve hobbies like bullet journaling that I get inspiration from and another aspect is that if I were to get off it, there are people whom I would lose all contact with as I don't phone or email them. So, I've tried to at least lessen the amt of time Im on these apps but haven't deleted them . Trying to find the balance but it's hard

  4. I can only use technological devices for listening to audios. Phone only for answering phone calls and time and alarm. Otherwise looking at screens gives me nausea and migraine after just a few seconds ? I connect with Nature and the Now technology to bare minimum and would love to meet another Being as such.

  5. all i really wanna do is be but everyone around me is pushing me to do and do and do, saying how i need to be sucsessful, how i need to get things done. i don’t want to get anything done. i just want to exist.
    but it’s not their faults. i am bad at simply existing thus far in my journey because i am addicted to my phone and various other poisons. i know i need to work to live but i can’t work properly because i’m so incredibly out of touch with myself and i don’t know how to get back. any advice, friends? sorry for the rant <3

  6. Your cellphone and TV are extension of your mind.
    “Why are you worried?” Human minds at Jesus's time were already preoccupied.
    Device addiction prevents you from being free of your ego mind. It takes you from being in the present. Garbage is being planted into your subconscious mind.
    Galatians 6:7
    7 Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.
    Thanks Eckhart. ????????

  7. Oh yes this is so true Eckhart…sometimes I catch myself picking up my phone for no reason at all? I think we are also addicted to the people on the other end, the people we are reaching out to as well.

  8. We are addicted to technology and there is no going back. The only reason we believe in a God is because we have the intellect to think about tomorrow and been conscious of death. Perhaps is we become more intelligent then we will figure out that we exist in different life forms. Our brain ? is still very primitive and our calculations ability is insignificant compared to an advanced computer. Technology is neutral, it's how we use it that is so important.

  9. The tv hmm… replacing ones thoughts with collective thought patterns the media understands and well gladly tell us what to think. Dumbing society down and mentally pliable. I've not owned a tv since my divorce in 2005 when I do see tv clearly I've missed nothing

  10. My ego feels so validated and empowered when noticed by another ego through the connectivity of the internet. Social media gave the ego its own space to thrive, almost completely disconnected from body and presence. I feel like the Matrix is the next step if the ego is not controlled. It's truly scary.

  11. This popped up today one day after I decided to take a break from technology ??❤️ only intentional viewing allowed for me… my choice and no Facebook or Instagram… i have made a point to not take my device out when I’m walking in the city or nature! Leave it!

  12. @??????? ?????◾️  just want to say that your videos are changing me in a very positive way. At 44 years of age I'm just beginning to appreciate the present and my worries and ruminations are becoming a part of my past. Thank you

  13. Out of boredom, in my addicted state, at 2 am, just me and my pad (wife went to bed long ago), I think to myself: “Just watch one more video”— and it is this one…

  14. I am addicted to multimedia, especially to visual media like TV series. I am aware of it for some time now, and I have fully accepted it. Furthermore, I dived into spirituality and got to know some spiritual practices, like meditation, manifestation, yoga etc.
    And now I am just rejecting all of it. This has been my status quo for approximately a year. I watch series all day if I can, eat what I want and do what I want, and there‘s hardly room for any spiritual or healthy practice. I would even say that I was awakened, but consciously chose to close my eyes again and just stay asleep because it feels easier.
    There‘s so much hassle and struggle when I begin to look into myself and consciously work on my issues and face my challenges, I don’t feel it‘s worth it.
    I don‘t want any „help“ or advice here, I just want to share my feelings and thoughts. And I wish for someone to understand me because he or she (or whatever ?️‍?) feels the same ??❤️

  15. How do we make our kids understand how damaging this is, this addiction? They don’t think it’s a big deal. Yes they learn a lot from it, and it has advantages, but it’s way too much

  16. Its also good to read the "Present", a book available for free on the website called Global Truth Project.The book is about the truth of life and it shows the full picture of life for thw first time so that you may stop being deceived by the world and be able to follow the steps of Jesus and other prophets to Heaven/enlightment. Knowing the whole truth of life is the key factor in our salvation/awakening.We must know the real truth, all of it and live in it and change ourselves according to it in order to be saved/awakend.There is no other way to our salvation/awakening.With the knowlege of the truth there comes true repentance which means changing our minds and also true obediance to God' s law and finally our sanctification which is awakening.And God will give us His grace which is the time and ability to make the proper change. Only in this way will we be able to attain our eternal salvation/awakenig.Our task is to find this narrow gate that leads to God, the Now and do it quickly and stay on it till the end no matter what.Then and only then we will be saved.There is nothing more important or serious to do in this fallen world as our eternal fate depends on it.Let' s not wait any longer.