How Mindfulness Can Help Calm the Voice inside | Eckhart Tolle Shorts

How Mindfulness Can Help Calm the Voice inside | Eckhart Tolle Shorts

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Eckhart discusses negative self-talk and the true purpose of mindfulness. Watch the full video on how to calm the voice inside …

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  1. There are no thoughts that need to be thought about,, just the same as there are no movies that need to be watched or books that need to be read. There are thoughts, movies and book books that support your peace and happiness and i can think of no reason not to enjoy them fully, and equally there are thoughts movies and books that will steal and cheat you out of your peace and happiness and i can think of no logical reason why you would want to engage with them. ???

  2. Self-talk almost drove me to the point of complete and utter insanity. It has taken me about 25 years learning how to quieten my mind. Even then I still have rough days where the chatter in my head can get the better of me.

  3. E.T. used to be an honest and profound spi guide. No more. Today, it is an industry for very happy fews who can afford super expensive seminars in Hawaï, Lake Powell, etc.+ cost of hotel/resort. Very woke. Then, the “pearls of Wisdom of ET are edited like sausages and distilled for marketing (here) which funnels more sale at a price that some people can afford, but it is a by-product, already recorded series of speech and much shorter. And II is nothing extraordinary anymore. Just a big joke that makes him a multi-multi millionaire. Very spiritual isn’t it?