Fix Your Money Mindset Today With This Abundance Meditation | Marisa Peer

Fix Your Money Mindset Today With This Abundance Meditation | Marisa Peer

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“You having wealth does not take away from others having wealth.”- Marisa Peer. Money has often been described as the root of all evils but are we looking at money and having abundance the wrong way?

Attend a rapid transformational therapy session to bring you abundance in wealth, health and love with Marisa Peer’s FREE masterclass here?

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  1. I love the point that your wealth doesn't take away from others but inspires them… such an empowering way to approach becoming wealthy and successful 🙂

  2. One thing is to start an Investment, another is to make sure you doing
    it with the right person so you do nit experience loose trading with an
    amateur. That is why i trade and invest with 0to90value@, 1g.
    and all as been going well and successful since the beginning.

  3. One thing is to start an Investment, another is to make sure you doing
    it with the right person so you do nit experience loose trading with an
    amateur. That is why i trade and invest with 0to90value@, 1g.
    and all as been going well and successful since the beginning.

  4. One thing is to start an Investment, another is to make sure you doing
    it with the right person so you do nit experience loose trading with an
    amateur. That is why i trade and invest with 0to90value@, 1g.
    and all as been going well and successful since the beginning.

  5. If only she would be quiet like even for a second in between the meditation to let me hear, see and feel ?‍♀️ about the scene. This could have been a powerful meditation if only she would let it, insane !!

  6. Actually the more people have excessive amounts, the more those who don't, struggle to own land… something that one shouldn't have to pay for in the first place. It forces people to own phones, cars and it also makes good food more expensive, it doesn't even lower the price of junk food. The more stupidly rich people there are, the more the logic that everything should have a price tag grows. There is no limit on how much gasoline a person who can buy it all can have, lowering the supply, driving up the prices for those who actually NEED it to get to the jobs that they were forced to work. There is no time for inspiration when you have to work 2 jobs for mere survival.
    Some people don't want to care about money, and nor should they, to them it isn't living… It isn't living pure and simple, if you have to pay to feel lived you are am artificially animated corpse.
    Then there is the plain obviousness that this idiocy of not allowing people to live, will have eroded the planet before trees planted ten years ago can mature.

    Talking about going deeper…. and deeper… and deeper into an awareness of yourself like it was yesterday. Why cant you just decide to live and stop decorating that stupid hole you've dug so deep, that you cant be happy about until everyone is finally forced to partake of it.

  7. Exactly Marissa. That’s why take trips to Africa, buy a top floor hotel room and hang out all my exquisitely expensive clothing to inspire people to do better.

  8. One of the most Amazing meditation .. at first I thought that I would have to consciously think about a memory or how would I think about something from past if I don't remember it but as I listened to her words I drifted into a deeper state and discovered so many incidents that reflected my limiting beliefs and as I worked through them I now feel so refreshed.
    Thankyou Marisa

  9. Wealthy people consume more good create more trash truthfully I don't see anything wrong with it but some want to rid the earth of nonproductive people isn't it enough to just assist if they want to as long as they aren't sinning against others

  10. Question: Would you like to receive £264mil divided over 30 years OR £158mil today? Now, is this a question of what type of investor you are or is this a block removal question?

  11. I don't have 3 4 5 6 yrs. I only have 3-4 mos as I've tried for 3 friggin years to getting out of this financial homelessness I was left in to living in a POS RV!!!!! When I have had 6 houses in my lifetime

    I have tried every single way out incl asking some if my major country music singers for the damn money. They are hundreds of millions from $15 million to $400 million dollar performers incl my love Taylor Swift of course now Pop music

    Nobody even phucking responds. Yes you bet I'm cussing because Eve GOD (Ya) had not helped me!!!!! I've taught His Word the TRUTH in His Word not bullshit man made interpretation and still have received NO HELP!!

    so now my dogs my cats and myself have very little time left !!!! Because I've been broken by Satan not just my own mind

    Remember people Satan and demonics also play with your mind because you are weak in your FAITH

    My faith has been pummeled yet I'm still fighting to keep us all alive living in a POS RV compared to the old house I use to own and I am living in gorgeous 6.25 acres but my house not here because a mother phucking GD lying thief contractor STOLE ALL MY MONEY $80,000!!!!! And left us all homeless