Do schools kill creativity? | Sir Ken Robinson

Do schools kill creativity? | Sir Ken Robinson

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  1. Einstein was in somebody’s physics class, Shakespeare was in somebody’s English class, Marx was in somebody’s class, Bob Dylan was in someone’s music class. Every teacher should know maybe there is a child you taught might be in a small chance be the greatest of the subject you are teaching.

  2. Schools kill creativity by steeling children's ideas before the child has the opportunity to bring there creativity into being someone else already did It. I wonder why that is

  3. My whole dissertation stemmed from this ted talk, I am an actor and have just started temporarily working in Education in between jobs, heartbroken to find the education still in the exact same state as he talks about, academic subjects with such a hierarchy and creativity still being shrinked if not killed. I hope I live to see this change

  4. First time seeing because I am helping my 19 yo who has to write a paper in community college. Why am I helping? Because basically like he said school is teaching our kids nothing and just dumping a lot of crap down their throats. Organized learning today and the college system is the biggest lie ever told or lived in history.

  5. This is really good. I'm a high school student and I've noticed since grade 9 they push the idea of secondary school like a goal and not an option. This is my favourite TED talk. Unfortunately , things haven't changed since then

  6. This is hilarious, inspiring and just Brilliant!! I would invite him to my dinner party any day! Humourous, original and captivating, if only all schools had a chap like this! just wonderful!!

  7. How schools suppress creativity.
    The theme of this topic is that children grow out of creative ideas, since after school they are unlikely to get a job in the specialty they want to choose, and if they do, it will most likely be unprofitable. And such advice may be well-intentioned, but they are bad. Children who enjoy creative activity are forced to study technical sciences only because it is profitable today. Don't do music, you won't be a musician, don't draw, it's not profitable, and so on everywhere. This was formed in the middle of the 19th century, when the industrial Revolution took place. Everyone needed engineers, but few needed artists, musicians and artists of this scale. And that's why the education system around the world is based on the fact that we give priority to mathematics, languages and only a small part of art and music. The second problem is that children are taught not to make mistakes, and this is good, but when a child is afraid to make mistakes, problems arise here. After all, someone who is not ready to make mistakes, is not able to create and think in an original way, he acts according to a template or as he is told. and that's exactly how we run companies, we don't forgive mistakes.

  8. Journal your life knowledge, skills, life experiences, trauma, good things, bad things, nuggets of wisdom, mundane things into Excel column A and categorise each cell in column A with categorising keywords in column B. e.g. Cell: A1 "Drinking alcohol is bad for health". Cell B1: "Health". Do a pie chart of the 200,000 cells in column B, e.g. count number of total cells that have the same categorising keywords" and you have a factual view the "depths" of your knowledge, what are your interests, what are your strengths and weaknesses to serve as one data point of reference to guide your present decision making on what knowledge to build on, what new fields to explore, what action(s), vision, or goal(s) you choose to endeavour next for the short term and long term.