As Christians, we are called to stand up for what is right. #nickvujicic #limblesspreacher #shorts

As Christians, we are called to stand up for what is right. #nickvujicic #limblesspreacher #shorts

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  1. Yes !!!! Your so right !!! But why ??? Why are they doing this people are being hurt and your opening our boarders so the Home Security, Boarder Patrol , All the God fearing people are overwhelmed and our Country is going down the tunes. This great Cristian country and it is God country look in your pocket , look at any denomination of money ?!!!! In God we trust !! God Bless you

  2. I'm am thankful for you, you will make a difference. You and your beautiful family are a gift. There is no way you will not reach the unreachable. If they hear you, they will know they are not alone. You give me hope in this troubled world. People just need to hear you, you are a voice of truth, painful or not. Thank you truly.

  3. Величайший актëрище!!!.. удивительным образом замаскировавший руки и ноги!.. ❤❤❤