Your Body Needs These 8 Things for You to Be Healthy, Successful, and Happy | Eric Edmeades

Your Body Needs These 8 Things for You to Be Healthy, Successful, and Happy | Eric Edmeades

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  1. I'm in uk' – no not getting enough sun! I put on soooo much weight in lockdown – it was so cruel even though I still went to work i couldn't get to the gym and didn't do any exercises at home although I could hv done.

  2. I feel that many medical professionals have become corrupt to appease the governments that pay them well to do so. We all really need to wake up.. vaccinated and non vaccinated must open our eyes and awaken.

  3. The mass insanity is that too many people have belief systems (B.S.) that they have not researched on their own and they have taken the opinions (not facts) presented by others (MSM and POLITICIANS AND BEURACRATS) instead of doing the research themselves. IF you let others tell you what to think that is the formula for slavery as someone else is governing you and its not you that is governing yourself. Mark Twain said it best and that was long ago:

    In religion and politics people's beliefs and convictions are in almost every case gotten at second-hand, and without examination, from authorities who have not themselves examined the questions at issue but have taken them at second-hand from other non-examiners, whose opinions about them were not worth a brass farthing. – Autobiography of Mark Twain

  4. I don’t know who really needs tohear this ,but if you really want to generate wealth, start small and with the little that you have and invest it into stocks ,bitcoin and other crypto currencies.
    I’m a living testimony from this.

  5. Wow, this made me so incredibly sad. I think I only ticked 3 of the 8 boxes. I have an autoimmune disease which restricts my diet terribly. I have joint issues because of this which makes exercise difficult too. I live alone with no family and have not had a partner in many years so never get to touch anyone. After listening to this I am surprised I am even alive. Anyone else struggling??

  6. Unfortunately, your premise regarding death from COVID doesn’t hold entirely. Yes, many did have those comobidities and nutritional deficiencies that predisposed them to severe illness and death, but that is not the entire story.
    How do you explain the tens of millions of people in 1918 who died of Spanish flu? They did not have type II diabetes, drink soda, and other comorbidities that put them at risk They did have the exercise, good food, etc.

    Yes, you do have to compare with similar pandemics. If you don’t learn from history, you are bound to repeat it Also, we needed to flatten the curve to keep the hospitals from being overwhelmed. And, there was no way for anyone to know the particulars regarding the differences between COVID and previous pandemics.

    Yes, most of your information and recommendations is absolutely valid and correct, but please, don’t throw out all scientific knowledge.