Why Some People Dislike/Hate Being In The Military

Why Some People Dislike/Hate Being In The Military

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So, I see/hear a lot of people saying “Don’t join the military” in the comment section. I assume these are people who are in the military and I do understand to some degree. So let me share with you my personal views and the reason why I believe these people dislike being in the military.

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  1. Hey Yoon can you make a video discussing leave or liberty, policies of going off base. Can you go off base alone? do you have to be with someone. Also in regards to leave, how as are you able to use your leave? Like how long in A School or whenever do you have to wait before getting one, how far in advance to do it and such…

  2. Yoon, I finished my school year finally and I'm going to get back to the challenge. I finished my AP Test, my finals, Map test, showcase of learning, many projects, SBAC testing, etc. Since I have a lot of time now I figured that I should do something productive, especially since I've been feeling guilty over not uploading much.

  3. Hey man sorry I'm new to your youtube channel and would like to know when you joined the military, also what is your rating in the Navy and do you plan on retraining too? I'm also on the fence about joining but I'm joining as a reserveist so I can finish college at the same time.

  4. Remember your own personal experience in the Military depends on serveral things such as what Branch you join, what job you choose, what duty station you go to, what unit you go to, what squad or team you are in and who is your supervisor some people have a great experience in the military and will make videos like this saying its not so bad, others will have a shitty duty station a shitty unit and shitty depressed people surrounding them and have a terrible time in the military. I would say do not join unless you are prepared to have a very very shitty time and if you're prepared and you somehow get to a great unit and have a great time then you're lucky.

  5. Just don't let military location/life style LOSE your wife. In case you don't know what I'm talking about, here it is: "It's called Divorce" My wife/Family is the most important thing, the military is second. Military is service, don't call it career if you're doing thing you are not passionate about.

  6. I love being a Marine; however I hate the promotion system and how it’s all based on time in grade. I can be a better Marine in every facet but if someone’s been in longer and a higher rank they have command. It’s straight bullshit you have to answer to idiots sometimes just because they have more time in service. Not merit based

  7. The pay is decent but unfair. No matter how hard you work, you get paid the same as someone who works in an air conditioned office with a 2 hour lunch break. No matter how much you care, you can still fuck up. No matter how hard you try, you'll always be awarded after the shit troops. No matter how much you exercise, there is always a fat fuck that does as well as you. No matter how much you smile, there will always be someone to put you down. It's basically real life but if you took all the shitty parts and wore it as a bubble. It's what you make it.

  8. I was in the army guard, active too and it was not for me. Bad mouthing our services only makes it worse, u cant have a perfect organization, esp one for warfighting.

  9. The navy was the worst job I ever had. This guy is just regurgitating everything the lifers say. What progress are you talking about? The Navy will ruin your life and you will be getting disability in the future. Being disabled is not what sailors set out to be but eventually its what older veterans become. I spend 10 years working with homeless veterans. Don't do it. They navy is a joke and leadership, professionalism etc is a facade.

  10. I would rather work at a low minimum wage job or be broke and happy than being miserable in the military. I had 6 Jobs before joining the Army and it was the absolute worst Job I ever had.

  11. If you're the type of person that values peace of mind, your privacy and don't have time for the stupidity, bullshit, and games, the military is NOT for you! I am glad I'm out.

  12. I understand everyone will have their opinions about the military.

    Here are some important things I want to put out.

    1) If you are one of those highly intelligent people who thinks outside the box.
    2) If you are a very introverted person or one of these personality types: ISTJ, INFJ, INTJ, etc.
    3) If you are an independent thinker or a freethinker.
    4) If you are the type of person that questions authority.
    5) If you are the type that doesn't have time for drama, foolery, and NONSENSE.
    6) If you will have issues dealing with toxic braindead shit talking cowards hiding behind their rank talking down to you and treating like you were born yesterday even though you are smarter and wiser than them.
    7) If you are a very private person that values privacy.
    8) if you don't want to be in a immature environment.

    DO NOT JOIN THE MILITARY! IT IS NOT FOR YOU! YOU WILL BE VERY MISERABLE. I joined at age 29 and I got kicked out for beating the living crap out my SNCO for disrespecting me and I DON'T REGRET IT!

  13. The reason why so many people hate/dislike the military because there are a lot of toxic cowardly high ranking shit talkers (Sergeants to Sergeant Majors) who like to bully low rankers and make life hard in the military. Where I'm from these guys will get beat or murder acting the way they do in the military. It is a reality. Just saying.

  14. 1. You get yelled at for the most pettiest shit for example having your belt not go through a loop hole or missing one hair on your cheek.
    2. Everyone who makes rank and goes up becomes a boss rather than a leader which there is a big difference
    3. You are pretty much a housewife… you clean, mop, high dust etc. you build in all honesty no work ethic as you would in the construction world or in the real world, where you actually EARN your money for actually WORKING.
    The military is for the weak minded people who is scared of surviving in the real world.

  15. The reason why so many people hate/dislike being in the military because of toxic cowardly assholes with rank (Sergeants to Sergeants Majors) like to bully and harass low rankers and make life hard in the military.

    Progress? What are you talking about? I bet you are a brown-noser.

  16. The reason why some people hate being in the military because of toxic leadership. You may be in a good unit and have great leadership but not everyone is fortunate.

  17. When the Navy refuses to approve a good sailors conversion package, even when qualified for the rate you wish to convert to, and you have spent several years being miserable in a given rate, is one instance where progress is denied. This causes good sailors to look elsewhere. Use TA, get educated, make yourself more marketable, and move on! The military is a body shop – there is always someone (willingly or unwilling) to take your place.

  18. Saying military sucks remove army's and be invaded by terrorism heh how about this the army keeps all the terrorism away from a country the peace your seeing can be turn into terrorism without the army this is what you guys are disrespecting one day you will found out why the army is recommended

  19. I agree and yes it’s is very frustrating because I am stuck in a bad duty station that gave me the title of the job but it’s not the job I am doing plus my personal Carrer my school got denied because I am not in an “airborne unit” so tbh it keeps me angry and not motivated.

  20. Take it from a cav scout the army is the worst branch and I would not recommend it to anyone the airforce and navy are good to go but army is a no go another thing is the toxic leadership a lot of the guys that got in in the early 2000s are felons and now they have stayed in long enough to be nco or snco that’s why guys that were in the army after 2010 are always negative

  21. I just love it when I hear guys of been discharge for years, see how much they loved the military. but then I always think if you loved it so much why didn’t you stay again you got out as soon as you cut because it’s human nature as time goes on you’ll look back and you’re like well I was young and vibrant and now big fat old man we live in the past in a way that wasn’t the case

  22. I like your video, Yoon Kim. As a fellow Korean-murrican like you, I left the army. In fact, I did chapter 11 refuse to train during army BCT because of my back issue, and how the dumbass drill Sgt were literally trying to force me to do the "Anvil" requirement. After I became a "non-trainee" I was always placed in the black box area and although not ridiculed, I felt ostracized by a lot of the people in my platoon. I am trying to do direct commissioning since I now work in the health professions field.
    I am surprised that the navy has a lot of BS. Coz I thought the army was the worst of all the US military branches.

  23. “Not making progress”
    You can say that again. Spent multiple days/weeks/moths just doing the same ole rinse and repeat of going to the motorpool and sitting around all day.