what comes easy won’t last…what lasts won’t come easy…this hits different

what comes easy won’t last…what lasts won’t come easy…this hits different

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  1. No one finds their " why" overnight….no one knows their "why" in a week, or days, or years….its a process its called life. My friend that process isn't easy. But…it all starts with you….when you decide you want your "why", your real, joy, peace, love, bliss, all of it. Yours…not others dreams, or plans. And when it gets real, you get real…..you start reaching for life. One- step- at -a-time until……..your "why" gets closer, and brighter, and big enough you want to share.
    ……because life is short…it makes one take steps bigger, braver, more………so every day you are reaching for what is next. ……no matter the steps, I want the whole journey…….to love, to go forward, sharing……one beautiful step at a time. Thanks team……be blessed
    Live this life!!!

  2. Love this! The only thing for certain in this life is that nothing stays the same. To be able to step out of the way and allow what comes to come, then to flow away is a gift. We don't need to see the end goal. I have learned from my successes that my story did not reside in the place I landed, but the journey I took to get there. I learned in my failures that I could use the energy of being in a place I did not want to be, to move me ahead on my path, not knowing where I would end up, just knowing I could not stop moving. It's not about false positivity, it's about understanding that nothing stays the same. Bad times will not last, good times will not last. Step out of your way, look around you for blessings you have, even in the worst times, and keep moving forward. Kelly

  3. Guess I gotta be homeless to continue my why, because the ones enslaving all of you hound me constantly, the more information I give out, the more restless and hostile they get. Real truth, has no price, because the ones who made the Monetary system to enslave everyone, purposely don't pay for the Truth, that is how they limit it. If you can't afford to live, most people learn to stay silent, just drop their heads to the ground. I'll freeze over the coming winter, if it means from now till then I get to fight them. Fuck the "Free world", bunch of slavers with smiles.

  4. I only have a few words wow the exit credits are amazing what are you doing on YouTube you should be like working for Universal or something that requires this amount of skill I only found you tonight but I've already subscribed and I'm looking forward to seeing anything new you have in the future thank you for your time brother

  5. As we are not born with muscle, nor we are born with inborn wisdom, we don't become carpenters or gardeners overnight nor artists or musicians in an instant. States of character are connected to the process of habituation as neither can they be taught nor do they naturally exist in us. Intellectual virtue is a process in which it owes its creation and its growth to teaching, for it is a matter of obtaining knowledge and using our mind in the right way.

  6. “Trust yourself. Create the kind of self that you will be happy to live with all your life. Make the most of yourself by fanning the tiny, inner sparks of possibility into flames of achievement.”

    ~ Golda Meir ~

  7. "everything that is worthwhile is by its nature very difficult". Plato, The Republic. The Greeks knew a thing or two. The word "gym" is from the Greek "gymnos" which means naked exercise. "gym" exercise. "nos" naked. So there you go. Noel