This 3M Framework Will Unlock Your Potential And Accelerate Your Learning Instantly | Jim Kwik

This 3M Framework Will Unlock Your Potential And Accelerate Your Learning Instantly | Jim Kwik

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?Progress and go beyond what is possible with this FREE superbrain masterclass from the world’s #1 brain performance expert, Jim Kwik. Click here to attend now:?

Unlock your brain power with Jim Kwik and become limitless.

The human brain is capable of the most powerful things, and you’ve probably heard Jim Kwik talk about this before. If you are looking for how to be smarter, how to retain information, how to learn anything 10X faster, how to focus, or simply the best way to learn, this video is for you.

Because the world’s foremost brain performance expert, Jim Kwik, discusses the research behind his new book, Limitless. He gives the three frameworks that you can use now to improve your brainpower and achieve your highest potential.

Here are the 3M’s you will learn when you watch this video:

[9:44] Mindset – Your attitudes and assumptions about yourself and the world.

[12:20] Motivation – Following through with things

[20:49] Methods – The 5 methods you need to excel at anything

Watch this video now to learn more.?

About Jim Kwik:

✅Before Jim Kwik was recognized as one of the foremost experts in speed-reading, memory improvement, brain performance, and accelerated learning — And a highly sought-out trainer for top organizations like Virgin, Nike, Zappos, NYU, GE, Fox Studios, Harvard, and Singularity University — Jim was known as “the boy with the broken brain.”

✅At the age of five, Jim suffered a head injury that left him with severe learning challenges, and as a result, he would struggle throughout his schooling years. He read considerably slower. He absorbed and understood less. And learning anything new was an uphill battle.

✅Hoping to compensate for these challenges, Jim double-downed his efforts in college in hopes to stay on par with his peers. But spending hours in the library single-mindedly focused on his studies came at a cost. He hardly ate. He hardly slept. And in a dangerously weakened state, weighing only 117 pounds, Jim passed out, falling down a flight of stairs, and once again, sustained further head injuries.

✅Jim woke up in the hospital two full days later.

✅But it was during his recovery in the hospital that he had the one epiphany that changed the entire trajectory of his life. It occurred to him that his entire education revolved around being taught what to learn — Math, science, geography, Spanish — But never once was he taught how to learn.

✅This single thought became his obsession.

✅As Jim began to unravel how the human brain really works, he developed strategies to dramatically enhance his mental performance. And as he saw more success, he began teaching his newfound techniques to his fellow students, which would later become his life’s mission.

✅For the last 25+ years, Jim has dedicated his life to helping others unleash their true genius and brainpower to learn anything faster and live a life of greater power, productivity, and purpose.

About the masterclass: “How To Develop A Super Memory”

You’ll learn:

The big lie we were told about our brains – Discover why most people only ever use a fraction of their cognitive capacity, and how you can unlock the full potential of your brain with 10 simple hacks.

Want to get the competitive edge in your industry? – Learning this ONE skill will instantly put you ahead of everyone else — especially when most people are drowning in “information overload”.

Rapidly clear your “mental fog” with these 10 delicious brain foods – Automatically enhance your focus, decision-making ability, and clarity of mind.

Prime your brain for optimum performance with the perfect morning routine – Not only will you double your cognitive ability, but you’ll also feel more positive, energetic and driven to start your day.

Try this unconventional 5-minute brain exercise – Discover how brushing your teeth will activate the untapped areas of your brain for more cognitive capacity and brain growth.

Ditch the heavily caffeinated, sugar-loaded Starbucks drink for a natural “brain tea”. Get the same mental boost you get from coffee, without the energy crash afterward.

Do you feel embarrassed when you say, “I forgot…”? – Learn a powerful memorization technique so you never miss another anniversary or meeting. This even lets you deliver a perfect speech without notes.

And many more hacks and techniques that will unleash the limitless potential of your brain…

FREE Masterclass: Increase your brainpower and learn how to learn anything 10X faster with this FREE superbrain masterclass from Jim Kwik. Click here now: ?


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  1. Participating fully in civics and being an excellent constituent is a true superpower. Voting and getting others out to vote for the most progressive candidate who can win in the general elections is a real superpower. I've met more amazing people (who struggle with all the same things we all do) but they are truly amazing because they care about other people and participate in civics / politics / voting. Because we will do more for others than we will ever do for ourselves. Be a force for good. I'm a proud liberal Democrat in USA. ????⚖️ Learn how to win elections. This is our superpower. The winners pass the legislation. The winners make the laws. The Greed Over People and the Greed Over Planet party (Republicans) must be defeated in elections. Joe Biden won – but it's not over yet. Don't go to sleep. Keep fighting. Keep winning keep working. The rule of law is a real thing! It's an incredible conversation. It's based on our word and our language toward each other. Learn how to be a great constituent and you will be great. Help win the Democratic seats in Georgia. And start fighting for 2022 now. Vote for Democrats up and down the ballot – local, state, and federal. Go to your county Democratic headquarters and ask how you can help. Give money. And most importantly give of your time. Then train others to do so. Play with joy. We are the party of accomplishments, they are the party of slogans. We can keep winning.

  2. My notes on this masterclass fully:
    1-Mindset. Youre a thermostat, not a thermometer, you dont really react to the environment, dont fight for your limitations, you fight for your limitations, they're yours, from the seven lies of learning in limitless book of jim kwik, is the learning's limited idea entertainment.

    2-Motivation. If you're not motivated, you're not acting, and the formula for sustainable motivation is (p times e times 3s) p is for purpose, reasons reap rewards, you must have a reason for your life, a reason for your goal. E stands for energy, you must have the energy to do what you want to do, you get energy through sleep, eating healthy brain food, lowering stress through meditation, 3S stand for small simple steps, break tasks into small and tiny tasks.

    3-Methods. (From other classes, they're mentioned too.) They're 5 methods to excel at anything:
    1-focus, you cant accomplish anything without it, you need it.
    2-study skills, you must have the ability to absorb information and understand it, don't cram.
    3-memory, as Socrates says, without memory theres no learning, not just for your work or business, also for life, to remember the life lessons you have learnt, to not repeat the same mistakes again.
    4-reading, view the speed reading class, but here's its main point, use a visual pacer like a pen or your left finger to read, your eyes follow your visual Pacers motion and to defeat subvocalization, reading is also for articles, books, etc. Aim for smart reading for best comprehension. Not just speed.
    5-critical thinking skills. You should think of how and what to do anything, you ought to do, for example, study, learn a lesson. Etc.

    This is my note review and I hope it serves you as well, brothers and sisters, peace. ✌

  3. Mr. Jim kwik, I'm here to thank you so much for all your masterclasses, I have enrolled to all of them and learnt tons of things from you, from just a little low student, to a top and kwik student, your courses are awesome and life changing, what you did for me, i owe you for it.

  4. We live in such a shitty world where famous and vip is not someone who truly can help the humanity and society, but a noone like this one who just regurgitates everything said so many times before, regurgitates something all of us already know, but we allow someone shallow like this to make us think we are stupid and incapable needing him to make us smart and capable to live ????????? humanity has gone to…..