The Formula For Peak Performance w/ Steven Kotler | Chase Jarvis LIVE

The Formula For Peak Performance w/ Steven Kotler | Chase Jarvis LIVE

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Steven is an entrepreneur and writer whose work has appeared in just about every publication you can think of — New York Times, Forbes, Wired, TIME, you name it — and was nominated for a Pulitzer for his book “A Small Furry Prayer.” I wanted to have Steven on because he has a very unique focus in his latest book “Stealing Fire”: understanding peak human performance — not in an abstract sense, but the specific mechanisms that make people like world-class athletes, Navy SEALs, and entrepreneurs able to do the incredible things they do and more importantly, how that formula can be reverse-engineered and applied to YOUR life.

Parts of this episode are a bit more heady than what you may expect from this show – we geek out a little and throw around some science buzzwords – but what’s important isn’t that you remember of the buzzwords but understand the idea that there is a SYSTEM for this stuff, for unlocking your potential. I’ve seen a lot of people trying to kind of cobble together their own system by mimicking the habits of successful folks and while that’s not a bad idea per se, the more you understand the underlying concepts and framework, the more you’ll be able to create a system with intention. You know that this show is all about giving you uber practical, actionable stuff that you can put into practice TODAY and this episode is no exception – and this episode isn’t just for those who want to be hyper-achievers, it’s for literally anyone who want to get shit done.

PS – If you like what Steven has to say on the show, then make sure to sign up for the free broadcast of his CreativeLive class where he’ll be laying out the exact blueprint for getting into your flow + unlocking your creativity

Show notes and links for this episode can be found at


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  1. Suggestion to people watching: Go back to the episode with Julien Smith. It's nice to put a name (depatterning instrument) to Julien's suggestion to "get blitzed".

  2. I love this and I love how he's writing a novel now. I can so relate 4 years ago I started a novel, verse novel, while walking through a depression. It took 3 years to finish. It was released last summer. My point is I was not depressed on the other side of the finish line!!!!!!!!!!

  3. I've heard about the book and the concepts in it and yet this interview really impacted me. It pretty much put me in a flow state just listening to it. Thank you both for the great work!

  4. Superb guys, thanks so much. Chase, can you share with is the tool kit you got from the 1 day session with the development professional when you were a teenager – the techniques that allowed you to "know" the outcome of your next match, score etc?

  5. +StevenKotler claims that dopamine is the pleasure molecule. It is not. It is a behaviour repetition molecule, and we return to these high dopamine behaviours more readily. They turn into bookmarks-post its for our life experiences. Robert Sapolsky dispels the myth in one of his talks. Check the Dopamine Positive Reinforcement.

  6. This was SO interesting…not calling "Feeling happy BUT a state" _ Calling "Search or shift of consciousness" in way to do / feel / solve / measure / experience: DIFFERENT STATES OF EMOTION through alcohol, drugs, sex, yoga, exercise etc…to be able to keep moving biologically is necessary, in conclusion ALL THOSE WORDS to summarize what we already know: We need doses of happiness in order to feel good and keep on moving daily 😉

  7. Hi Chase,
    I have been watching this interview with your Jason Silva interview over two months over and over. It's mind blowing how closely related their true north is. Amazing questions from you and these guys are the real heroes in Modern times. Thanks again for an awesome channel. Peace.

  8. how did you manage not to tell how to actually enter flow state in an entire hour? this eposide was made to make people buy his stuff and im not against that, but im against saying that this video will teach you anything specifically.