The End Of Suffering

The End Of Suffering

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  1. To say that pain is a good teacher is an understatement. I have wasted valuable time trying to avoid her, yet she manages to finds me, and as I revel and hide from her, I honestly have to say that my greatest lessons in life have been learned under her strict teachings.
    If it wasn't for her I would not have compassion, gratefulness, spiritual growth, sensitivity for people and their suffering, nor be able to enjoy the sweetness of a pain free, silent moment of peace.

  2. i suffered to a point wherre i have no sense of i anymore and i question what i even am and my brain took heavy dmg cause of it this is probably the worst suffering you could imagine i planning to kill my self after 1 year of thinking about it and you know what ? the universe and this world does not care and ill just end in non existence.

  3. Dear Eckhart, I have read the Power of Now and it makes sense, but I am still depressed – I know l cause my own suffering and worse still, cause people to suffer because of it. I need to think about the future but the way l'm feeling it does not look good.

  4. It's a big world and I have come across many many multiple perceptions, ones view of life and reality. So…..heres one, the word 'Suffering', why should it be in our dictionary in a sence?(think that meens a retoricle question, I can forget due to medical issues, but then again I shouldn't have to state that if ones mind is open to comprehend) Meening, people feel their 'suffering' why? if that word and it's 'definition' was never put into ones thought process it wouldn't exist. As to me there is no 'suffering', it's LIFE. Your not born just to get what you want handed on a silver platter (to bluntly put it).

    I do like and enjoy his views of some yes, but not all. The concept and understanding of that word in itself should not be involved as it's a form of negative 'energy' at some degree. Where as there are so much more positive 'energy' form of 'words' to comprehend that give off more of a positive vibration to use in one's mind. That word 'Suffering' doesn't exist in my vocabulary.

    Like that word 'depression'. People would have never comprehended that until it was 'put on the market'. As now that it's in our 'dictionary', all of a sudden……loads of 'depressed' people appeared.

  5. Eckhart Tolle put it in away that most can understand what they can do for there mental healing. It's a little confusing at first but opens many closed doors of thought. It helps me to be calm. It is spiritual and mental awhereness in one easy to understand step. Dont believe everything you think!

  6. @EckhartTolle I would like to share my story with you. For practically my entire life I have been suffering through what-if thoughts, specifically through driving. Every time I drove I felt pure anxiety and fear. At that point, I had no idea it was just my mind, that has taken over. 27 years have passed and I have been driving for about a month now, and I realized the mind is nothing compared to the present moment. At one point I got extremely emotional with full joy and happiness. It was a feeling I can't describe. I say It was more than enlightenment. Once I had that moment I realized that life is simple and it doesn't have to be so complexed, but the mind makes life so stressful and difficult. Just remember reality is nothing compared to the mind. Suffering is self-created and once you notice the repetitive pattern and experience reality you begin to realize wow life is amazing and nothing compared to the egoic mind.

    With that being said, thank you for changing all our lives, without you I would still be unconscious with my mind.

  7. Eckhart Tolle is a gift from God and the universe by which we all feel in our hearts what he preaches and this relating with him forms a very familiar and solid connection.
    We love you Eckhart.
    You’ll never be alone again.

  8. Suffering exist as long we are not able to find the solution of that situation that suffers us we suffer with others 1/100 as ex.while the suffering person 100 / 100 he will stop suffering when we help him to understand the situation.also we suffer when we are not living our own life but others.,….