The dirty secret of capitalism — and a new way forward | Nick Hanauer

The dirty secret of capitalism — and a new way forward | Nick Hanauer

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  1. After fact checking, it appears that this is misinformation. Every study has shown that minimum wage increase has had a negative effect on those who it was intended to help. This has been confirmed with countless min wage increases since the 1970's. As a wealthy person, Nick will benefit from a more socialist society. Crony capitalism, that benefits the rich, is a problem, not capitalism itself. Of course people are important and community is important. Presenting economics this way would appear to be more of a brainwashing exercise than real information. Would love to see the facts that back up these claims along with the authors and investigations into bias. Even to suggest that when something in the economy goes up, something else does not go down is more evidence of brainwashing rather than fact. Having said that, economics is not equal not will it ever be. So many false narratives here. Fact check everything. Not enough space to go over everything.

  2. Capitalism is "an economic system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than the state."
    The problem is the state is now owned by the private Elite so by definition Capitalism doesn't exist in modern western society, it has morphed into corporatism…

  3. He was talking and describing communism for 17 mins without mentioning that. If he comes from science side, you need to be honest – Karl Marks. I am sorry for those who freaked out straight away.

  4. It's too bad that Nick Hanauer never read the book "THE NEW ECONOMICS" by W. Edwards Deming, published in 1993. If he did, he'd realize that W. Edwards Deming was THE TRUE INNOVATOR in this field starting in the early 1950s in Japan. W. Edwards Deming proved his worth in the 1980s at the Ford Motor Company, when they implemented his teachings. The message of "QUALITY IS JOB 1" was the motto of Ford's turnaround with the Taurus and Sable in the 1980s.

  5. If big money could not get a woman of your choice and women couldn't build dynasties with it. Why bother with $ accumulation? Nobody ever talks about the elephant in the room. It ain't about the number of pants you can get but litteraly the f@#$ing power it gives.

  6. Capitalist Multi-millionaire: Tell people what they want to hear, make wild claims and memorable quotes, don't provide any scientific sources, make millions of dollars as a capitalist, but refuse to give away money according to your ideology as per public inquiry. Seals & Sheep: [clapping & cheering wildly] Nobody sees the absurdity and hypocrisy? This is the SAME tactic that dictators have used for centuries. They don't amass power and wealth alone, but on the hopes and aspirations of the masses/sheep/seals. –

  7. Excellent. But please stop using 'neoliberal.' It means next to nothing except for in the minds of those who use it. 'Neoliberalism' -misnamed – is just economic conservatism. It has nothing to do with 'liberalism' and is not 'neo,'

  8. Didn't know you just have to be vague and emphatic and use positive adjective for what you propose and negative ones for the one oppose without real saying a single sentence of substance . I guess it works for this guy

  9. Investers must factor in an In- balance in the augmented reality figures of national economies which will be exposed as a much higher liquidity amount via bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies as well as the Cyber criminal attacks on The Fed/STOCK EXCHANGES in USA/UK