The 5-Step Formula To Selling With Love | Jason Campbell

The 5-Step Formula To Selling With Love | Jason Campbell

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How To Sell

Sales is intimidating for a lot of people. They’ll do anything to avoid the confrontation that comes with the sales process. In this video, Jason Campbell breaks down sales psychology, and within 28 minutes, you will learn how to overcome mental blocks and how to ask for the sale more efficiently.

The truth is, sales is everywhere. We are forced to sell daily, whether that’s in business when we want to acquire new clients or in our personal lives when we need someone to do a favor for us. Jason defines sales in a new way and shares the 4 levels of selling that will help you become a better salesperson. By the end of this video, you’ll learn how to embrace the sales process more and operate with more confidence.?

In addition, Jason shares the 5 loves associated with better selling: impact, people, product, process, and self. These 5 loves are designed to help you get clear on your why, understand buyer psychology, create a better product, and make more sales. If you want to learn how to sell anything to anyone, watch this video.

About Jason Marc Campbell:

✅Jason Campbell is the Host of Mindvalley’s Superhumans at Work podcast. Every week Jason spends time learning and interviewing the best minds in productivity through the Superhumans at Work Podcast.

✅He has gone into deep interviews with the likes of Nir Eyal, Cameron Herold, James Clear, Sam Carpenter, Dr. John Demartini and so many more. He has taken the stage around the world to share ideas on sales, productivity and goal setting. He is also working on an upcoming book, “Selling with Love”, aimed to be released in December 2020.

✅Jason has shared his productivity training with leading organizations inside the Worldblu membership and startups in San Francisco. The results are consistently the same: Mastering your personal productivity leads to higher levels of trust and effectiveness inside organizations.

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  1. In the past I would have balked. Now, I see it as an opportunity to help my ideal clients AFTER I've taken time to get to know them and build rapport, which can happen almost instantly.

    I remember one day working at America's Best. My sales goal was $201 of pre-exam testing. By embracing my personality I sold $200 before lunch and $320 by the end of the day ?

  2. Love you Jaison ❤️. This was much needed for me.

    But how to deal with customers who only talks about price? When you are selling to some organisations they takes lot of quotations and all they do talk about is price. How to exchange the energy of love when client is focused on money than the value?

  3. I was thinking Tony Robbins. Even though he is a wonderful motivational speaker & life influencer, I feel he is one of the Best Saleman that ever created exchange of positive energy ?

  4. I am in the process of starting my own businesss right now that currently has a lauch date in January. I am finanlizing my products and services. This came at exactly the right time. I NEEDED this. I have tried to start this business for five years, but I could never seem to get it off the ground. I had blocks and I was coming from a place of self-doubt and fear. I had been through a series of bad relationships and loss that took a toll on my self-worth. I had to work through this first before I was ready. I had to learn to love myself. I have so much love that it is oveflowing and I want to bring this to my clients through my gifts and talents. Now it is like everything is magically falling into place, almost without effort. I have been in this business for 20 years as a subcontractor, and when I started focusing on what I give more than what I receive, my clients responded in a way I never imagined. Now, I am ready to fill in the gaps that other companies do not offer. I see a need that will help my clients grow and propel their businesses forward. Before I even listened to this, i thought, "How can I give them more than what I see out there?" I now have a note to myself to listen to this before I start working my own business every day.