STEP INTO THE FIRE – Best Motivational Speech Video (Featuring William Hollis)

STEP INTO THE FIRE – Best Motivational Speech Video (Featuring William Hollis)

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  1. To be able at any moment to sacrifice who we are for who we could become is a key point to success. Keep that grind coming and leave a legacy???????

  2. I love your videos and it makes me alive . i lose everything but i will never stop moving . thanks for the motivation . it's inspired me to create my own channel to also share it with others.

  3. 3 years ago I was no one special. Going to school for a degree with no jobs in the field and no idea about a future in sight. Today I am a US Marine, married to the prettiest woman on earth, owner of a house, a car, with a child coming my way, working a hard but high paying job I thought I'd never have while studying for a career field I thought I'd never be smart enough or good enough to be a part of. Cut your shit, quit crying yourself to sleep because you're too lazy to keep your dreams from running away from you. If you're fat an unhappy then get fit. If you're broke working at Mcdonald's but wanna drive a Ferrari and live in a fancy house then quit settling for less because it's convenient. If you're unhappy and don't see a reason to live anymore then find a reason and don't stop til you have it. Don't settle because it's what you're used to. Being comfortable isn't the key to happiness like everyone thinks. Discomfort is a good thing. Take the shit now so you don't have to give a shit later.

  4. I was introduced to Mr Hollis by accident when listening Fearless Motivations, it was the best accident that happened to me and changed my outlook on life for myself. Thanks KING!!! and thanks for sharing this 🙂