Special 30 Minute Holiday Meditation with Eckhart Tolle

Special 30 Minute Holiday Meditation with Eckhart Tolle

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In this special 30 minute holiday meditation, Eckhart shares about “Silent Night, Holy Night:” The Christmas season as a shift in …

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  1. So don't ever think: "O, now I'm old, so I can't do what I could do when I was young any more. The time that you were young is still present. Believe it. KNOW it. And you'll be very much surprised. Eckhart always refers to the decay of our bodies, and that we should accept that, because we will reincarnate, or disappear in Nirvana. This theory is a result of thinking. You may as well believe me instead of him. You CAN go back in time. We just don't believe it, that's all. So, what do you expect?

  2. Eckhart, there is a vast spaciousness in my bank account. Forgive me, if I am unable to view this spaciousness as greatly enlightening. I look at your nice house with envy. (For Eckhart's groupies this is humour. Don't worry, I listen to Him too).

    As I am commenting here two days after the event I doubt that anyone will read this, but I am struck by the tone of many of the comments. A few days ago a commenter was babbling about tears of joy being in his eyes … and then when I told him of my money worries, his selfish comment was "we all need more money!" Okay, I am not on the street begging (as yet), but would this selfish creature really say that to someone who was?

    I have been exhorting those who are praising Eckhart to go out into their communities and help those in need, though I myself am still too selfish and fearful to do that myself. Like many people, and despite many years of "therapy" of one sort or another, I remain a hypocrite – I remain a very imperfect and unhappy person. Though more peaceful perhaps. I feel more at ease here on my metaphorical "death row".

  3. PS: I mean no disrespect, and I have learned a lot from you and other teachers, but it isn't my mind telling me that have very little money! I am too frightened to even look at my bank statements! I am self employed. I cannot rely on a guaranteed income from an employer. And I do not want to rely on the state or members of my family. I need my independence and the self respect that comes from being able to provide for myself! With respect, you spend too much time with rich people Eckart. I am sure that Oprah is very nice, but she is rich. For sure, money isn't making her happy, but it isn't making her unhappy either and I'm quite sure that she is not about to give it all away! (Oh, what a waste of time, he won't read this!)

  4. Thank you for this wonderful inner journey, closing ones eyes and listening, expanding the inner spaciousness. You are the light of the world and you are dragging mine out.

  5. A bit late here but wanted the chance to communicate my thankfulness (although I have no words that will do the job) to Eckhart for helping me to see Christianity in a new light. From my heart to yours Eckhart, a deep and soul-felt thank you, thank you so much.

  6. The Power of MYTH. Not the Power of NOW. You've got a brain to think, so think. I cannot believe that so may people are worshipping Eckhart Tolle. You hardly paid any attention to Joseph Campbell, did you. I think this is a disgrace. This man was an enlightened encyclopedia. Too difficult, I suppose.

  7. Yes I feel your right . Personally looking at Religion is of similar values to try and keep order or safe control and prevent unhappiness. It seems to follow the Spice and clothing trade routes. And gets changed by Kings, Governments or Leaders with time and environment. But values are the same when not distorted by ego.

  8. Danke für den Bericht über das Lied "Stille Nacht …….Heilige Nacht " Mein Vater ist vor 8 Jahren gestorben und ich erinnere mich an seinen ausdrücklichen Wunsch, dass "Stille Nacht Heilige Nacht" nicht v o r dem Weihnachtsfest gesungen wird. Auch der geschmückte Weihnachtsbaum konnte erst am Heiligen Abend am 24.Dez. bestaunt werden und die Geschenke wurden nach dem Lesen der Weihnachtsgeschichte ausgepackt. .Mag jemand vielleicht meine Zeilen ins Englische übersetzen?

  9. You woke something up that has always been in me. I went from Christianity, and it's limitations, symbolisms, to nothing but whatever tickled my fancy. Suffering, more suffering, and then some more. Here I stand 11 years later, and somehow it circled back, and I see it woven throughout everyone and everything. I see it in me. I see it in others, and I feel more love than I have in a long time. I have even been to church a few times, and taken my grandbaby. It was not afraid it was going to get me again, that experience showed me something. I see grace in me, it is not separate now, and neither is God, the Universe, The Great Unknown, or whatever…I am not above or below anything, I am!
    Time would fail me to try and explain – Thank you!

  10. why Deepack Chopra doesn't descontructs itself? He still looks indian, with occidental education, adapted to the piramidal system called capitalism, not saying anything about Agenda 2030, etcetc

  11. Thank you Eckhart! Let's be Light.
    There exists in depth contribution by esoteric teacher Rudolf Steiner about Krishna and Christ. He mentions how Krishna was pre example of self consciousness that Christ brought fully to be. There is so much more about the amazing gathering of Krishna and Buddha around Jesus child ( like the " glory" above was Buddha's nirmakaya)
    Anyone wanting to find out more, look out Rudolf Steiner archive for search.