Relationship skills for the modern world |John Gray

Relationship skills for the modern world |John Gray

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John Gray, the author of the book “Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus” shared his knowledge about relationships in todays complex world at A-Fest Ibiza 2017.

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01:41 John Gray’s Massage
05:34 Why man always take credit for the happiness of the woman they love
13:32 The difference between man and women
20:05 The practical techniques to create a lasting relationship
27:15 The key here “Unhappy and never and always”
30:54 Reason why complaining is harmful to a good relationship
36:52 How to get back to the female inside
44:26 The reason why Love is such an expensive word
53:07 You need a man because he can help back to your female inside

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  1. What do you think of his John Gray message? Share your thoughts, we'd love to hear them ? If you’d like to join our Mindvalley student community, give the Quest All Access Pass a try for 10 days! It’s time to actively create the most amazing version of yourself with the world’s top teachers as your guides ?

  2. I True! I knew of a two couple in their 70' s n 80's had a gd sex life every week throughout their marriage both look young n radiant! The husband is happy, fulfilling and seems contented!

  3. Women become widow..
    Have to take over…as a man to make decisions. Then you ..the widow meets a guy who insists
    HE (the man) is "the head of her" the Boss," the MAN is in charge!! Really??? Widows don't understand this language.

  4. I don't think of men as the desert, because desert is me because I am sweet and pretty to look at. I think men are more characteristic of a big hunk of meat which I cook slowly and season to perfection, and eat once a week because I'm on a vegetarian diet??

  5. I love this . I am laughing about the truth. It’s actually a reality which I now understood, by listening to you Dr Gray. Thanks for your wisdom. If I could rebirth my previous marriage. Well done.

  6. I love you Mr. Gray! PLEEEEASE talk about your new marriage more. I am in the same situation with my wife as you. She is from China and 30 years younger than me. I think your insights would help me and offer a little comic relief. (John married Lin Wang on May 4, 2020. She was his tour guide and translator for years when he was in China.)
    There must be so much he could share about finding love through these very different cultures, dating habits, and their age difference.

  7. First time I heard him talk. He has been around for quite a while. About time I got educated. Never did get to the relationships tapes he made when married to Barbara De Angelis. Never read his famous Venus/Mars book. Have to get his sequel and read it cover to cover. He speaks from science and biology. All about the timing of male and female hormones! So insightful. I am dumbfounded. All about the timing of what and when to speak. He has it right. A little more info that could be of help: Know that an Aries wife has to be right. Check out his strategies to work with, not against, that trait. Allow her time to cool down. Keep your cool. A hot brain cannot process even peacemaking overtures. Never wimp out. Know that a Leo man is a king. Sociable. Loves parties. No attitudes. Stay sociable, even, to diffuse discord. Stay prepared with an arsenal of relationship strategies to try out. Moods come and go. What doesn't work could work next time. ? Remember Ma and PA Kettle in the 50s movies? The actors worked well together on film. The characters respected each other's talents. Be great if we could be complementary to each other instead of conflicting. John Gray delivers a menu for understanding each other. Rah. Rah.

  8. I tried this and Trust me, it works. When you are sexualy attracted to a man at first, you should RUN!! Men like to hunt. If you alway's fussing over him and giving More to him, then you get depleted from trying to so hard to train him or control cause now, you don't trust him. Jealousy then rears is ugly face.

    The reason why it's Good for him to be attracted to you sexual and you Like the way He Treats you and is this is good because, he's going to want to give to you. And genuinely cares for you. As women I feel We have to Relax and be patient and give the good Guy's a shot.

    Who cares if you're not sexualy attracted to him right away. That means that, there are blinders where we could see ourselves instantly at the Altar with this new man while a priest is doing our ceremony. I don't know about yaw, I am tired of putting New wine in Old wine skins. That shit don't work. Love yourself enough to get better at this relationship game. You'll see with time, the right guy will be drawn to you. And in the meantime, I learned that it's best to focus on self care and self love because even if the right man came right now, Most of us would probably run him off because we would become more insecure because our worlds Now revolves around a man who we slept with who didn't even know our birthdays until we told him. Smh

    However, I feel that We all have the power to change for the better. That's why, we're on this Earth journey in th first.

    And to be truthful, if We are Only getting good sex, what's happens when his blah blah blah, doesn't work anymore? Then what yaw gonna do?


    We're All One!!

    Jackee Love❤️
    Take A Listen to Me Freestyling On Voisey it's called, "Love Yo Self"
    #loveyoself #loveyourselffirst

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    See you there!!!
    Thanks Again
    It's All About Love Guy's and Girls…

  9. Why does everything have to end in the conversation of SEX? Why is it that we keep measuring success of a relationship in how much, how good, our sex and passion is? Is this a true measurement? What about those that are not that interested in sex?

  10. I believe in me, a noble Qur’an between two spouses, I mentioned two verses from the 14th century ago, the biography of the Prophet, the seal of prophets and messengers, he mentioned everything between the spouses.

  11. I must be in Zen mode @58 permanently ?
    I do not experience the cycles of need and getting it on vs craziness anymore…in fact the thought of giving up the peace of abstinence scares the shit out of me!
    My new found estrogen has become no drama less stress and a peace that passeth all understanding ? ?

  12. I'm 61 female. I'd really really like to know how or what I can do to naturally increase my estrogen. I've never married or had children and haven't been close to a man for years. What can I practice in my life as a 'solo' to have/feel some estrogen/femininity?

  13. You explained so well ! Thank you for explaning this. I wish every men know it. I was so tired how they make me feel there was something wrong with me. But actually it is about i can not get validation and produce enough estrogen. I am so tired of doing everything by myself and being my own man.

  14. John Gray's advice to both men and women deals with the problem from the roots unlike all these wannabe "relationship gurus" who aren't even certified psychologists who give you only a quick temporary fix band-aid advice but the ulcer in the relationship never gets healed and remains because there is no genuine appreciation in the difference behind a man's and a woman's differing response which boils down to natural basic biology.