Practice Staying Present While Listening

Practice Staying Present While Listening

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In this video, Eckhart offers practical tips about listening to other people speak while still remaining aware and anchored in …

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  1. My work as a psychotherapist has pulled me from here, there and everywhere. What Eckhart says is so spot on. Before finding him I literally took my clients stories home with me and I played them over and over in my mind trying always to find the best ways to help them. However, I became so depleted myself that after awhile I questioned how much longer I could do this work. Working with clients from the standpoint suggested here has been so much better for not only myself but my clients as well. I no longer go with them mentally into that never ending stream of thoughts and a hundred possible scenarios and outcomes. I listen and know I am listening but I am now aware that the client and I are the same being and I can listen objectively and allow my higher self to see my clients as people, same as me, having experiences which I can now help them with through without becoming entrenched in the story. Never thought I’d be saying this but I finally get what Eckhart he means when he says we should try and be the awareness of our thoughts but not be prisoners to our thoughts. Took me 55 years to get here but I’m here now and so grateful. Thank you.

  2. And we tallk about this area like it is something we dont wont there inspite of you are seeking help true spirituall guidens. This if you are done or not! So the attitude is almost like hate inspite of everything ! stranges and its like it is alomst impossible to love the invisible life in the language we speak to day….

  3. I was doing this while watching your video. The only problem is that I could only remain present if I focused on my breathing, still fully aware of what you were saying. Very interesting… I'm a noob, but I want soul ascension.

  4. This video has come at a perfect time as these things are known to do 🙂
    Going to be studying to be a counsellor soon & will try to put this into practice.
    Thank you Eckhart ?
    Your books are beautiful

  5. I understand and agree but what about the other side: talking to a counselor that is not really listening is not helpful and can be adding to the problem or even prolonging it. I have seen this happening so I am a little bit reserved about this.