My Secret Book Writing Formula [Free Template] | Brian Tracy

My Secret Book Writing Formula [Free Template] | Brian Tracy

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  1. Hello YouTubers, we have received lots of love and outpouring over the last few weeks asking about Brian. He has recently gone through a medical procedure but will be back to providing you with motivational content soon. Thank you for watching!

  2. Thank you I got the template by email looks amazing, recently I started writing 4 books in one of them I even arrived at page 30 with all the design and everything I get the ideas and the ending and everything but somehow seem to lose motivation and I don't know how to continue so I get stuck, I always loved writing since I was a kid I still have my diaries I hope I'll finish at least one. Thank you!

  3. I have both authored and co-authored several stage plays for community theatre over the past 25 or so years. I have so often spoke to others about eventually writing a book. I am 60+ now and have so much more “stuff” to express in my eventual, yet elusive, novel. I thank you for providing me with the spark that lit up these aged eyes and these worn but nimble fingers! I have finally made the first stroke of the pen! On this day, the 13th day of Autumn, I add to my ranks that most cherished and despised of beings who dare to utter and unleash upon the world such incomprehensible truths and, at times, unjustified babble. Today (now yesterday, as it took nearly a lifetime to write this comment), I am a novelist; albeit, yet unpublished.

  4. I want to write about my life and how when I thought it was ending I would thank God but I always made it through. People tell me God has a plan for me. I tell them I wished he’d write it down or drawn me a map because wandering aimlessly is frustrating.

  5. I'm only 11 and I'm afraid that if someone sees me writing a book they'll judge it and say that my dreams aren't getting anywhere and an 11 year-old girl can't write anything and get it published. I wanted to write a book since i was 8 but my hobby of reading books started when i was 6

  6. whats stopping me….? I have concept what to write, but how to correct it,, Is it ok to write what ever I get in my mind to put it on paper …. later how to edit them, ? how to print it… can i take help of some one who is good with skills, and arrange the in sequence…?

  7. I started writing a book since I was 6 years old, I started writing at school when I was at the 2 grade. Now I am at 8 and I am almost a professional writer.
    A comment from my lovely son Taha!

  8. I emm, want talking with somebody, who speak English l, or live in no Russia:)
    Специально зашёл на видос на английском для начинающих писателей, дабы здесь кого-нить найти:)

  9. If I share The problems that are holding me back
    I had this thought about writing a book & it's not just the book I thought of doing many hobbies

    Moreover what stopping me of writing a book is that if I start writing it how am I going to publish it & although how to get that template

    The second problem that's holding me back is that english language as you can see how simple it's right now & not as good as the actual language I need to learn further in that language & I want to write my book in english so that the world understands what am trying to say

  10. i am 14 and i start writing since 10 now i can write stories,quotes
    speeches(motivational) & poems
    i think i learned a lot in these 4 years but now i want to write a book i have already written 2 books before but this time i want to be confident and want to publish it