Making Space for Enlightened Relationships | Eckhart Tolle Teachings

Making Space for Enlightened Relationships | Eckhart Tolle Teachings

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In this video, Eckhart teaches how to connect spiritually with other people in a way that is judgement-free and enjoyable, because the moment you have thought arising and judgement, you can’t experience being with another human being anymore.

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  1. Especially with emotions, when I say this emotion is joyous or different and I say 'but I can't find a label for this emotion'…. It'll become a double bluff cause I'll instantly feel the limitation I might put on it were I to give a name…. I wonder if I just say 'just be', Will I know its' truth

  2. Oh just bliss listening to this. Who finds an instant state of connection when they hear Eckhart's calm words?
    I naturally connect with energies in silence but as soon as I get into labels (Gemini, PTSD, ADD, etc – interestingly labels I apply to myself) then the connection is obviously lost.
    But this video? Bliss.

  3. In the conquest of America from the red Indians, the conquerors were always laughing and making fun of the Indian when the latter asked permission to cut a branch or a few leaves from the tree and made a small prayer. Notice that they never eliminate any trees out of greediness.

  4. i took a new job about a month and a half ago where i don't have to interact with people too much. i just mind my own business correcting labels on boxes and moving them. it pays much less than all the years it took me to get my degree, and i must say i still enjoy this job much more bc of this lesser level of interaction with other humans. i probably will consider working part time in both fields just in case i tire of dealing with other people. over time, i love nature and animals more than humans. with the bad life experiences i've had with people, i prefer the company of my cat and working in a dirty hangar with boxes. this is what makes me happy.

  5. For everyone that is reading this. May god and the angels give you peace and fulfill you with love. Love is so powerful and we must spread it all over the world to protect us from all evil. ❤?

  6. Never ever had this kind of perception about tree and through tree Matster has introduced to whole existence, thank you Master for taking out the veil of ignorance.

  7. Ha… funny I was just pondering… Family…… the one’s you talk about the deepest. And the one’s that bring the biggest wedding gifts. Ha. Ha. Laugh Out Loud


  9. I love to see people who being themselves…. I guess it's what we call people watching? The problem is if they suspect you are watching them. hahahahaha It becomes an uncomfortable feeling because I don't think people like being watched!

  10. I remember when I was young “knowing “ that if I began to study something I would lose the magic in it. So there are many things that I’m glad I don’t know ?

  11. In my own book I call the connectedness to something or someone the "You-mode", and the conceptualiizing of someone or something, the "He- she- it.mode." In this book on presentism (Anamorphoses, L. Theuns (Theuns, Antwerp, 2000), I start with quoting the Dutch poet and writer Vondel, who wrote the shortest poem ever written on this earth, so I'm told: "U, nu", which means: "You, now." And then I go on, saying: "You = Now."

  12. Yes thank you that’s a very good tip I try to do that I said I try to see the being and everybody I meet however I get very angry when I walk around and I see injured wildlife and nobody reported and nobody even cares nobody pays attention makes me very angry then I look at people and I don’t think so highly of them

  13. I think when people start evolving higher or getting higher consciousness that’s one of the things that happens naturally that we realize the beings and everything in a butterfly and a bird and lizards and other people we just start to realize it it’s a natural progression

  14. And thank you for saying that about what was it about when we see people we see all of mine stuff I still tend to criticize and judge people when I see a lot of my stuff I can’t get past the issues of their ego I just can’t it irks me