Learn How To Access Higher Levels of Intuition – Create Your Own Reality

Learn How To Access Higher Levels of Intuition – Create Your Own Reality

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  1. I agree. If we base our ideas of success from our inner self, rather than the desperation to meet societal expectations competitively, we will reach our own point of happiness more naturally without becoming burned out or overwhelmed. Life should be about one's unique take, not a collective social benchmark. Buying into that idea causes stress to brainwash one's creativity and distract one from their authenticity. Itinly leads to ego feeding and people pleasing habits. Let love be the motivator, not stress. Don't waste time trying to 'find' yourself—you already have.

  2. thanks for all your help. it makes it so hard to stay positive and focus on being positive when everyone around me is so dam negative. but I'm a fighter and refuse to give in to what everyone else thinks is what I should do , it's my life and like the song say's rebel without a cause ,well I'm slowly finding my way and I will not be beaten , I'm the one that gets back on the horse after being thrown off and jumps back on and says u did it once but shit this is a 12 round flight or more if u want to keep me down u better k.o. me out cause I know in my heart I'll have to physically die to stop my fight of trying to help others become better and to make this world a lovely and loving world the way it should be. much love to everyone that reads this please pay it forward to others and together we can change it back. one person at a time.

  3. In 19th century it self jiddu Krishnamurthy simply stated it clearly.. with out any clumsy explanations of levels of consciousness and hard breathing exercises but with simple attention…

  4. I’ve found that I am much more „productive“ when I Listen to my Intuition. And it’s way more fun too. ?✨? Small children do That Naturally. One of the easiest ways for me to tap into my Intuition is to Follow my joy. ?

  5. "Gratitude is the key to happiness" There are so many things, people, events, life lessons, opportunities that I am grateful for. How can I learn to be grateful in the midst of a broken heart, a lost love that is present but no longer shares the love they once had? I am learning to love myself and maybe that is the lesson life has been trying to teach me for so long that it became necessary for me to lose the love from another so I can focus within and learn this lesson of self love. Perhaps, since they have chosen to remain in relationship with me but have emotionally disconnected from me, once I discover this love of self they will return to me. I can always visualize this as part of my future and I can choose to be thankful that it is only too late when we give up or die on a deean or on ourselves. I can be thankful that there is still life in me and so long as this is true, I can still build a beautiful reality for my future… Interesting how I came to answer my own question through internal investigation. I am grateful that I am.

  6. Just be still. When we enter into the silence everything comes. No need for special breathing, or sitting in uncomfortable, painful positions. Just sit still and be yourself.