Is Your Inner Monologue Destroying You? | Eckhart Tolle on Self-Talk and Negative Internal Dialogue

Is Your Inner Monologue Destroying You? | Eckhart Tolle on Self-Talk and Negative Internal Dialogue

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Eckhart explores how we can cultivate awareness to identify and free ourselves from our self-talk and the negative stories we tell ourselves about our lives.

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  1. Unfortunately, for me, I've been aware of this continuous nonsense going on in my head for a while now, but I find it difficult to lose the intense anxiety. I just sit and watch these thoughts, suffering in despair, because i don't feel I have control and despite breathing exercises and regular meditation, it's still there.

  2. Why call them "My" thoughts?
    This is what makes us feel like the owner of the thoughts. Disown the ownership of thoughts. What you are does not create them. The mind is mechanical.

  3. It's time to stop this posting frenzy Eckhart. Your core message peaked years ago.
    It's time to post 'rarely' and end the dog chasing it's tale economic whirlwind created around you
    that we call a money coining business.
    Gotta keep those posts up to pay the bills of all the people who work for Tolle ink.
    Fire everyone but one or two, quiet down, and let your legacy speak for itself before the singing and dancing start.
    Best 2u – your biggest fan.

  4. I just had a break down and this is the first video showing up. After a lot of suffering I could leave the story behind and just be. But as soon as I look back on my desk and the tasks that are ahead (I know future), I get triggered again and I’m back in the story of reacting to trauma. Or as I’m thinking now about it a subtle anxiety wants to sneak in. How do you get your difficult tasks done that are ongoing for a while (for me it’s my final exam/thesis)? It’s so hard to transcend something that doesn’t stop triggering me, even though I know I‘m the one reacting and creating this ?‍?

  5. Thanks for posting these I enjoyed I have listened to all of yours for the last 3 days. You have something going on in the background I can't hear what's the rain at the end? Because today I made all kinds of money!