If You Hate Stan Lee Watch This Video — It Will Change Your Mind | Stan Lee's Speech

If You Hate Stan Lee Watch This Video — It Will Change Your Mind | Stan Lee's Speech

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In loving memory of Stan Lee.

Stan Lee was an American comic book writer, editor, publisher, and producer. He rose through the ranks of a family-run business called Timely Publications which would later become Marvel Comics. Lee created comic dynamos like Spider-Man, The Incredible Hulk, Black Panther, and the X-Men.

This is one of his most emotional and inspiring speeches! Watch the video until the end for mind-blowing life advice by Stan Lee!

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-Footage and music licensed through various stock footage websites.
-The rest of the footage is not ours, it has been used in accordance with the Fair Use law with the intent of creating an educational and inspirational video.
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Stan Lee
Stan Lee motivational speech
Stan Lee cameo
Stan Lee marvel
Stan Lee if you have an idea
Stan Lee speech
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Chaos & Order
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  1. Oh wow this video really touched my heart so deeply!! StanLee was so awesome! So talented with such a big loving heart! He will always be my hero !! Thanks so much for this inspiration!!❤??

  2. Every person in the world needs to watch this and take it to heart. If they did, then I'm certain this world would become 100x better (at the very least the society would),,

  3. "hi heroes. this is Stan Lee coming at you. I want you to know, Marvel has always been and always will be, a reflection of the world right outside our window. that world may change and evolve, but the one thing that will never change, is the way we tell our stories of heroism. those stories have room for everyone. regardless of their race, gender, religion or color of their skin. the only things we don't have room for are hatred, intolerance, and bigotry. that man next to you, he's your brother. that woman over there, she's your sister. and that kid walking by, hey, who knows, he may have the proportionate strength of a spider. we're all part of one big family. the human family. and you, you're part of that family. you're part of the marvel universe that moves ever upwards and onward to greater glory." -Stanley Martin Leiber (Stan Lee) b.12.28.1922 – d.11.12.2018

  4. This is an amazing video and I enjoyed every bit of it and am also excited to share my investment experience. I believe it will help a lot of people here that are confused on how to start the new year and be productive for the year in this hard times.

  5. I r don’t “hate” Stan Lee. I hate how he abused people like Jack Kirby, Steve Ditko and Wally Wood…along with others…by making them unpaid, uncredited writers, literally stealing money from their pockets.

    In this very video he claims credit for Jack Kirby’s creation of the Silver Surfer and the Fantastic Four. For Spider-Man, a character Kirby proposed and Ditko developed.

    And if you question that FF was Kirby’s creation read his Challengers of the Unknown origin from five years earlier.

  6. Rest in peace this man was amazing kindness and imagination brilliance it is truly a shame that we have lost such a beautiful artist and I am saddened that I will never hear another original story from him the storylines that he is created comic books movies right down to his Cameo appearances in movies everything he touched turned to gold we will miss you greatly we have truly lost a visionary artist mad love mad respect I wish I could meet his mother and thank her for creating him

  7. If anyone is interested in the origins and history of Marvel I highly recommend Marvel: The Untold Story by Sean Howe. It's a very interesting book that looks at a lot of behind the scenes drama. I doubt it will change anyone's opinion of Stan Lee (the book doesn't portray him in a flattering light) but it does provide context.

  8. A public speaker came into my elementary school like 7 years ago and showed literal proof that he accumulated over like 15 years literally proving that Stan Lee stole 99% of his stories and characters from one of his friends that died. Like this guy quite literally proved that he was an asshole and because of that I will never respect Stan Lee.