HOW TO ESCAPE THE RAT RACE (And Never Get Sucked Back In)

HOW TO ESCAPE THE RAT RACE (And Never Get Sucked Back In)

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  1. As a person who came from a poor working class background..I have became wealthy. When you are poor you think people will love and admire you when you get rich….they don't. They actually envy and hate you. To my young family members I represent what they can become so its all love from them….to my cousins and older relatives I represent what they couldnt
    become. It's lonely and stressful. When the check comes when you go out to eat all eyes are on you..because….(you know, YOU GOT IT)….(money is no issue to you right!?!?)
    It's crazy how what we feel will make us (whole) actually (divides) us among the people we wanted to impress.

  2. Definitely food for thought!

    I’m currently conducting research on how I can best support people who feel like they are 'stuck in the rat race' and don't quite know how to break free. If anyone reading this can relate, and you’re open to it, I would really appreciate it if we could hop on a quick call and I could ask you a few questions. Let me know!

  3. its funny because I like material, but when I go camping or living frugally for a few days, I come back and see all of the junk I have and look at it like wtf is all of this rubbish lol. When I came back, I just wanted to pack my stuff for the next adventure. The human brain is …….?
    When I came back I just realised survival and living intentionally was all that mattered to me..

  4. The real rat race now is being jabbed endlessly by Big Pharma and the government just to be able to participate in society. America ended back in 2008 when the Kenyan Soetoro was installed as King.

  5. Pursue multiple sources of income by providing value, even if you stay with a 9 to 5 day job; the goal is not to be dependent on one source when shit hits the fan; especially, if you need to switch jobs or laid off and have that nice cash-flow to ease these transitions when you need some time off or weather stormy days.

  6. My biggest fear is getting a job, because I will probably join the rat race, as of currently being in University I will see to it that I will not change into a rat, I am becoming a philosopher, composer, mathematician, to escape any attempt at indoctrination of rat race, I'm still holding, but I cannot know for how long.