“How To Easily Improve Yourself NOW…” — Jordan Peterson

“How To Easily Improve Yourself NOW…” — Jordan Peterson

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In this video, Professor Jordan Peterson gives us an inspirational speech talking about why most people fail. Stick around to the end of this motivational video for a life-changing quote.

We hope you enjoy this motivational video and are inspired to take action, follow your dreams and achieve your goals!

Jordan Bernt Peterson (born 12 June 1962) is a Canadian professor of psychology, clinical psychologist, YouTube personality, motivational personality, and author. He began to receive widespread attention in the late 2010s for his views on cultural and political issues.

#jordanpetersonmotivation #jordanpetersonspeech #motivation
Subscribe to Motivation Mentors for more→ https://bit.ly/2X5e82d

→Don’t waste time on useless videos, watch this motivational speech by Elon Musk:
and this other motivational speech by Steve Jobs:

Copyright disclaimer:
-Most of the clips on this video are licensed through Creative Commons license from pexels.com
-The rest of the footage is not ours, it has been used in accordance with the Fair Use law with the intent of creating an educational and inspirational video.
-This video has no negative impact on the original works
-Video is fully edited by us
-We do NOT intend in any way to infringe the copyright of the original owners, for any problems/removal requests please contact us at [email protected] and we will deal with it accordingly.

Special Thanks To Dr Jordan B Peterson for these wise words, please go check him out and watch his full lectures!

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/JordanPeter
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jordanbpeterson
Donation Link: https://www.jordanbpeterson.com/donate/
MUSIC LICENSE (Attribution for free use)
Into the blue sky – Emotional inspiring music Keys Of Moon Music
Full credit goes to the artist, thank you for this beautiful track!

Illusions – calm emotional piano by by Keys Of Moon Music
Full credit goes to the artist, thank you for this beautiful track!

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  1. I was in need for this video I just focus on one thing to succeed in it but I forget about taking care for myself no routine is good then aim at your goal we will get it sometimes we think routine is boring no if you have a routine you can know what you want and what you lack

  2. The Technocracy is taking over using the NIH , CDC , IMF …… CORPORATIONS AND GOVERNMENT HAVE CONSPIRED AGAINST THE PUBLIC AND SHOULD BE ARRESTED ON TERRORIST CHARGES END OF STORY. you attack my basic human rights like breathing , working and living and taking care of my children. THEN SHUT DOWN MY BUSINESS AND PRINT OUR CURRENCY IN TO TOILET PAPER. #ARREST THE TERRORISTS

  3. To have money doesn't satisfy people.
    So they believe they should aquire more of it.
    Again, even the 'more money' does not satisfy them.
    So the must get even more and more money.
    They should STOP and THINK and ASK:
    what is it that what really be good for me.
    I daresay: if they're honst to themselves
    the answer will never be 'more money'.

  4. I hate these videos. These stupid actors (how many & how much money is being spent on them & producing this). It's all so totally distracting. It doesn't add anything to what Peterson's message is. Just let me see him talk or a black screen with text.

  5. True story..and pretty recent. Was feeling pretty low, had bit of a tough time on and off for 8 months or so. Tried telling this to someone who out of all the special someone's in a person's life, should be THE one to give a fuck. Basically, i just asked for them to quit being a prick. The reply i received was you're a crybaby and i have six cars. And there's not enough hours in the day to show off and keep up with how awesome i am. There's some truly rotten people out there in the world, u gotta be real careful who you choose to let in YOUR life. I always try adopting the attitude that there's goodness in everybody, but man it's a real downer when u discover that isn't always the case

  6. Consider the precept of this video….you need fixing. What a horrible idea that is. What's worse is his recommendation of sitting and constantly contemplating "what's wrong with my life and what can I fix?". Use his bedroom example. Imagine you're perfectly content with your bedroom, but you go in and think "what would fix this room?". And you think, new paint? A skylight? New flooring or carpet? New window treatments? A new bed would be good! And dresser. I could get a bigger TV. My closet is small. Maybe I need wallpaper?

    Now a bedroom you were once content with becomes a constant nagging reminder of what's wrong with where you sleep every time you go to bed. Every time you enter the room, you are reminded of how lacking the bedroom is. And you no longer wish to be in that room.

    Now imagine that bedroom is your life. And you sit and try to fix yourself. You could be healthier. You could be richer. You could be smarter. You could have more friends. You could do more outdoor activities. You could travel more. You could read more. YOu could listen to classical music……Imagine the torment of constantly evaluating what's wrong with yourself?

  7. This sounds very good, until you are on the receiving end of a physical disability/injury. You really want to improve your function and reduce the pain that you experience, you try with all your power and over many months/years of trying, you progressively become worn down and then the hope fades. Realisation then comes that people with overwhelming vocal positivity should be envisaged being placed in a locked box and then having the access to the key withheld from them, to visualise how their positivity would assist them getting out of the box, until the depression of the situation was seen.