How Children Become Adults Without Limits | Shelly Lefkoe

How Children Become Adults Without Limits | Shelly Lefkoe

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There’s no such thing as a perfect parenting style and there’s no magic manual of ‘good parenting’. But you can avoid BAD parenting by watching our Conscious Parenting Masterclass with fellow parenting expert Dr Shefali Tsabary for FREE here!

In this Mindvalley talk, parenting expert Shelly Lefkoe explains how your underlying belief patterns are formed and how they affect your life, dictating how you teach your children about the world ? You’ll be learning how these subconscious constructs can instead become empowering tools for a fulfilling life ?

What if we could raise empowered kids who were free to be themselves, liberated through your guidance on how to be authentic?

Watch this video to free yourself from the negative patterns that plague you and your kids by finding out about the 5 most common beliefs that will stand in the way of your child’s happiness ?

Into personal growth? Experience Mindvalley Live Los Angeles 2020 and immerse yourself in the BEST transformational education, live, with some of the world’s most revered personal development coaches. Mindvalley Live is an event like no other – as well as enjoying 15 transformational talks and workshops, you’ll be sharing your weekend alongside a 1000-strong, like-minded community of people just like you – all dedicated to personal growth and connection! Join your tribe and check out Mindvalley Live 2020 today for more information ?

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  1. This is a lovely concept and I wish it were that easy. My daughter is a terrorist in a teenage package. I have been telling her since birth that she is good enough and she can do anything but her deep seeded belief is opposite of that regardless. The other day she got grounded and she started throwing and breaking things all around the house. I had to call the cops and she went into the kitchen and grabbed a knife and threatened to cut herself if I didn't hang up the phone and then she proceeded to cut herself. The cops came and she was taken to the hospital and got 8 stitches. My daughter has the belief that's she is not good enough and she is the only one that can break that belief. People can try to get us there but if we don't believe it ourselves it will change nothing. I gave her attention, affection and acknowledgement all throughout her life. She is my only child and I tell her multiple times a day that I love her and I still give my 16 year old hugs and kisses everyday. I am a consistent parent and don't let her get away with shot however I also understand that she is growing up and becoming a young adult so I don't hold any delusions of her still being my little baby girl and behaves with teenage tendencies. She talks to me about everything and I do mean EVERYTHING. I don't want to know everything but I listen even when its difficult to hear something and yet even though I validate her and listen non judgementally she still is a angry teenager and gets pissed when she doesn't get her way. I never spoiled her except with love yet she acts like she spoiled.

  2. Belief #1 I'm not good enough
    Belief #2 I'm powerless
    Belief #3 I'm not important
    Belief #4 what makes me good
    enough is achieving
    Belief #5 what makes me good enough is
    having others think well of me

    Hope you all like it ?

  3. Wow. I just listed to the same talk(youtube:"positive thinking for kids"/{her name}) . She said she literally jammed the toothbrish in her daughters mouth…scripted story….? It does convey the point well though. Its a good talk. ThNk you