Enjoy More Health And Longevity | Lee Holden

Enjoy More Health And Longevity | Lee Holden

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Did you know that doing Qigong exercises for just twenty minutes a day can help relieve stress? Learn how energy healing can relieve stress from Lee Holden and the world’s best teachers in Mindvalley Mentoring ? https://go.mindvalley.com/LquF0-gJ

Today Lee Holden reveals that one of the main benefits of practicing Qigong is its healing properties on those who suffer from physical ailments.

In this video, Lee Holden talks about the power of healing frequencies through Qigong creates a healthy mind and body.

In this useful talk on energy healing, “Enjoy More Health and Longevity,” Lee Holden demonstrates easy exercises on how to relieve stress with Qigong for beginners.

04:19 What is Qigong?
09:34 Qigong Exercises practice on stage
09:57 Benefits of Qigong
10:29 Exercise-1: Warm Up
13:24 Exercise-2: Clearing Lines and Tension
15:25 Exercise-3: Clearing stress into vitality
18:26 Exercise-4: Relaxation
21:00 Exercise-5: Bow & Arrow
25:31 Recap and Qigong tips

Not only is Lee Holden an expert Qigong instructor, but his collaboration with Grand Master Mantak Chia has brought ancient Taoist teachings to Western culture. People have embraced Qigong exercises as a form of meditation and relaxation.

By practicing Qigong, Lee Holden informs us that this is a practical way to combat daily stress, heal your body from pain and get healthy.

Achieve a full transformation through healing frequencies with Lee Holden in Mindvalley’s Mentoring Program ? https://go.mindvalley.com/LquF0-gJ


Lee Holden is an international instructor of Qigong, Meditation and Tai Chi and a household name on US and Canadian TV. He is also an entrepreneur who operates his own wellness center located in Santa Cruz, California.

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  1. I have a sprained back and have been in so much pain but I followed along and I feel so wonderful right now truly alive and not at all depressed I have not smiled in 4 weeks and now I feel so alive thank you thank you so much I was looking for hope. My injury is in my lower back and saccrum area and its amazing. thank you for sharing this.

  2. chi gong is awesome. When I was doing it twice a day, my energy level was off the charts. Sleep was awesome too. Diet changes also really helped. I was in bad shape two months previous.

  3. So a little late coming on board but so glad. It aligns perfectly with the Tai Chi I have practiced periodically, but especially with attempting to introduce "energy flow" to disbelievers. Especially aligns with The Way Of The Heart teachings and trainings where the ultimate results are not achieved because of non-focus of intention via the third eye. This was so beautifully demonstrated with the arrow so that E+I=S, i.e. Energy/effort + Intention=Sweetness.So important because ours is self healing, and individually dedicated for whose with whom we have built resonance within our field, and Globally. (Check TWOTH on the web).

  4. Having trained in China, and in the US, doing QI QONG, Tai Chi, Hsing I, Ba Gua -Internal Martial arts for 40 years now -sorry but as far as QI QONG goes hes teaching almost nothing here, I guess you have to buy the course to get the real stuff. The commercial side of the Nei Gung

  5. i just watched the entire 25 min video. is this really qi gong??? i would encourage any viewer who seriously want to improve their health and reduce their stress to u tube search for some authentic qigong from a chinese master. learn a set of complete authentic qigong instead. when you want to learn german you learn from a native german instead from a french. same goes here.

  6. Lee…..the stories of your children and street exhibition is ego driven and self centered……QiGong is the superstar….not YOU. 100 years from now we both will be irrelevant …..along with our egos.

  7. Dear arrogant David Doder. If you knew anything about the history of the transliteration of chinese you would know that CHI is from the Wade Giles system which was, a long time ago, replaced by the Pin Yin system, in which QI is the correct 'spelling' of the word. Chinese has two 'ch' sounds. The one spelled CHI in pin yin is a retroflexed sound and cannot be used with the long 'ee' sound of Qi. Just a little pointer to respecting other people's languages.

  8. THANK YOU lee holden ….for letting us rediscover the real hidden power of breathing…including other breathings like the incredible spinal cord breathing …a tremendous invisible power generator…
    thank you lee for showing us the wisdom of empty spaces… which are so full of energy…
    thank you for showing so beautifully the power of smiling…
    thank you for letting us move through life with a new energetic flow and with an effortless ease…instead of force and tension…
    transforming old energy into new energy as you so nicely say… tension into flow…stress into vitality…boy you heal and clean so gracefully…

  9. this is garbage. if i wanted to learn qi gong , I'd literally be put off by this fake salesman type of approach. this comes across like scientology. how typical for americans to take something wonderful and as simple as breathing and turn it into a cheesy infomercial with lame anecdotes and jokes. shame on you.

  10. Thanks im a newbie and this is great for the uneducated, to get a great taste into these realms. Im not going to say it's to the letter of ancient practice because I don't know. But he has helped me, I appreciate this video, and he seems quite nice.

  11. love the video. use it daily on my ipad now. Lee make reference to goal setting during the week. is there a public access document that synthesizes all the goal setting approaches? sharing notes is legal, so if anyone who attended took extensive notes, would you please share them?

  12. Lee Holden was one of my teachers when I did the Asian Bodywork and Qigong Massage program at Five Branches University in Santa Cruz in 2007. He is an awesome teacher, practitioner and his enthusiasm and description of the work is an inspiration to anyone who is willing to learn and listen. I recommend his videos and CD's to my massage clients who are in pain and stressed to get them into the practice of Qigong. His training with Master Mantak Chia shows in everything he does. Thanks for sharing and changing so many people's lives, I can only hope to be as effective and as good of a practitioner to my clients and patients.

  13. Thank you for posting, Lee Holden is the very best Qi Gong instructor that I have experienced and I have tried many but Lee always is the best. He’s a gifted teacher. I have all his CDs or DVDs and I highly recommend him if you’re thinking about practicing the great and fabulous Qi Gong! It’s the best because it’s a meditative exercise, a win win in my opinion , sending all beings blessings, love and happiness and, laughter and light