Engineering Super Human Traits | Jason Silva and Steven Kotler

Engineering Super Human Traits | Jason Silva and Steven Kotler

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Jason Silva and the Executive Director of Flow Genome Project, Jamie Wheal, team up to chat ‘flow states’ and what it takes to trigger peak performance in the human brain.

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  1. Can anybody help me find the source of the Mckenna paraphrase about cities being congealed intention? I'm assuming it is a paraphrase. Thanks to anyone who can point me in the right direction!

  2. I believe it may have to do with the function of energy needing electrons (which I believe carries a negative charge) then the neutrons and positrons can carry out their processes

  3. Did anyone else immediately think of the Matrix when they were discussing how they trained novice military by shutting down their prefrontal cortex? It reminds me of the scene when Neo is learning Kung-fu and such.

  4. "No one can live in a permanant flow state"
    "Someone comes up to me and tells me yeah I live in a permanent flow state.

    "I said We have A word for that. It's called Schizophrenia."

    Other people ?????

    Me: ?

  5. I have some previous bio-feedback training working with producing elongated states of Alpha/Theta training. Would eighteenths Steve or Jason comment on how this my help or hurt?

  6. Watch sadhguru videos . You'll be amazed . Science can not necessarily be 100 percent right , after sometime they say we were wrong the previous times . My thing is you can sustain flow states everytime, forever which is achieved by yoga . Search samadhi etc or enlightenment buddha was in a flow state everytime

  7. Montessori environments support "flow." She saw children doing amazing things that most people did not realize were possible, and feeling better and satisfied, rather than tired.
    What if, after taking 20 years to grow up, we did't need to spend 20 years trying to get 'over' our childhoods? What if people reached adulthood actually ready to collaboratively and creatively solve problems and meet life's challenges?

  8. In my experience the most exciting state of flow is the one that occurs naturaly and is not addictive. Only artificially induced flowstates are addictive and therefore counterproductive.

  9. There is no such thing as a permanent flowstate. Is that true? In my experience this is possible even in very challenging situations. It's about embracing what is in any given moment.

  10. In my experience flowstate is not neccessarily aquivalent with happiness. It's about embracing every kind of feeling and allowing it to flow through the system.

  11. The key to shifting a whole society a few degrees up level is concidering the individual capacity for wonder. This requires precise measuring in order to not overwhelm people. Because overwhelmed people usually tend to behave in counterproductive ways.

  12. Same with the head. It's not possible to get out of it, escape from it or to turn the brain off. And it's not neccessary too. The road to heaven leads through the mind. Not around it.

  13. It's not drugfuelled psychotherapie that is most effective. It's about different, healthy communication and truly connecting experiences with people.

  14. With flowstates does not neccessarily come a willingness to engage in higher risktaking. For me it comes with a more factbased, down to earth approach of what amount of risktaking might be appropriate in a given situation.

  15. Risktaking does not drive me into flowstates. That's called adrenalin high and is different. The fact that adrenalin high can be addictive makes it rather unsuitable for chasing flowstates or wonder.

  16. The idea of being one with everything is correct at the very core. That doesn't mean, that I have to put up or surround myself with everyone or everything. Separation from things or people can be neccessary at times to sustain a sense of healthy boundaries and selfprotection. A clear yes to myself can imply a clear no to other people. This works perfectly well, when I am not in need for love, approval and appreciation from them.

  17. You can skript the mystical journey or experience. Is that true? For me it unfolds itself without me doing anything really. It's like surfing or canouing. Being carried by the elements and a power far greater than myself. Training is helpful to avoid injuries or unpleasent experiences. It's not smart to go into deep waters unless you can swim. In the worst case it can lead to psychosis. This is a possible danger when it comes to haluzinogenic drugs.

  18. Dopamin makes you able to see more patterns. Is that true? In my experience I never run out of creative Ideas. Even in the darkest moments of depression.

  19. I don't want challenges beyond my skill set. For me it feels like stress and is counterproductive. I want challenges that fit my skill set as precisely as possible. Then balance occurs naturaly and enables me to perform at my best level. The center of this kind of balance opens the chanel for inspiration to come through.

  20. Neeku Lewishowes body language pichi pattindi.naa phone lo unna okkokka pic okkokka clue case ki sambandinchi.ok I don’t have any affair with anyone not even a word with anyone or not even a cup of coffee or tea with anyone.get me.i am not just as you think.