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It’s Time to END PROCRASTINATION Once and For All! This is a powerful motivational video for success and studying.

These are some of the best speeches I’ve ever heard on procrastination. Watch the video and let me know what you think!

Eric Thomas:
I don’t believe in procrastination.
Do you procrastinate because what you’re doing isn’t meaningful to you?
If it’s not urgent, if it’s not important, than you’ll put it off.
How can you make it meaningful?
How can you make it a priority?

Jocko Willink (ex-Navy SEAL):
(Bonus tweet: https://twitter.com/jockowillink/status/848248206005817344?lang=en)

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Eric Thomas: http://bit.ly/2ua2os4
Jocko Willink: http://bit.ly/2v5XxuK
Tai Lopez
Robin Sharma
Gary Vaynerchuk
Tony Robins
Brendon Burchard
Joe Rogan

Audiojungle – Epic Piano Music

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►Video credit:

Chispa Motivation – Procrastination (Audio)

ProjectElon – You Need to Kill Procrastination (5:40-10:40)

Jocko Willink: http://bit.ly/2v5XxuK

Mariana’s Study Corner: http://bit.ly/MarianaStudyYT

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  1. This is a really bad video, because it doesn't understand what procastination is. Procastinators aren't lazy or unmotivated, procastinators are swamped by choices. We have bad choice management, we have trouble focusing on what's important.

    The choices could be:
    1) go on youtube to watch a video on procastination
    2) check social media for that last time
    3) go out and get the shopping done
    4) tidy room
    5) check on kids, wife, spouse, sibling etc.
    6) Get started on that assignment/report/business project.

    You will lean towards doing choices 1-5, and delay choice 6. What you have to do is eliminate the choices that are indifferent and just suck time and don't give you any results. So you eliminate the choices as follows.

    1) watching another video isn't going to give me anything meaningful
    2) social media is same old same old banter, nothing new or useful for me there.
    3) shopping can be done later, I have enough food for today.
    4) room can be tidied later
    5) family are OK, they don't need me to check on them right now.
    6) this will help me increase my wealth and career prospect. I need to do this now.

    This is how to deal with it. Eliminate choices that are time suck. Remember everything is a choice. Even going to the fridge to get another cold drink is a choice.

  2. What if everything you do becomes a success? Do not tell me there is no such thing… There is, up to the point that every undertaking seems boring because you know you will succeed, up until the point you start damaging yourself. Whether it'll be physically, psychologically or both. Believe me, and I know some people do understand this: it is (maybe) one of the toughest forms of karma – been there, seen that, done that – to be rich and get bored, end yourself up on the streets so you think you'll have a goal, meaning get of the streets but the street brings you virtually everything. Better than serving and fight a war that you did not create? Seeing (the feeling is the hardest) your friends die or return disabled and you have almost no physical scratch… Maybe blaming yourself is another word for procrastination, or feeling 'sorry' for your little big me. Overblown sjeit ego.
    The difference to get up, get out of bed not only a literal example: to DO or NOT to DO is such a damn small difference with such a huge impact!! [I only use to "shout-out-loud-marks" when I'm 100% serious] No need to get all tight up in a philosophical and destructive way of thinking about the silver lining difference between TO DO or NOT TO DO; waste of time and precious energy – your Life-Energy!! –
    In a way, I do not like to use this little phrase: "Just Do It" which might be comprehensible. Still, though there is a lot more truth in it than it might seem at the very first glimpse;, please don't overthink that line ??.
    I will finish my cup of coffee (I did the dishes while boiling the water for my imported South-American coffee beans…) and go clean my apartment. I like to make a good impression (no, it doesn't come close to $ 3.000.000 although my feeling adds a lot more "value" to it.
    I love this video: procrastination does not really exist. Trying to be 'perfect' does.

    All people who suffered (in the pasttense – it is spelt/spelled correctly for that and this matter ?), I wish you good luck from the bottom of my ?!!

    Ow, btw before I forget: a couple of years ago (before I "devoted" some time to Feng Shui) I read some 'articles/stories/tips' on the internet about cleaning your house and being under influence of a couple of beers or one glass of wine or Fibonacci sequence. These people coupled alcohol with having a nice time and they are or were convinced that alcohol is a potion to will allow you to get boring, nasty chores, or whatever deadlines done without any remorse (kiddin' here). My personal experience is that you'll regret the intake of alcohol when it's time to "show the results…" I have developed a way to look different at life: Do not give damn sh&@¤t what other people think of you! Treat them with respect and demand that they respect you equally – otherwise drop them while you're cleaning. And do not stick to things because they appear to be "sticky ?."

    I'm thrilled about the fact that there is so much to learn and combined with the fact that where you put your attention to the answer/s, it will arrive. Not always in the way you hoped for it to arrive but finally, for your OWN good. Perhaps as unseen at the moment.
    Do you know how much better your meal tastes when you have prepared and even cultivated It 'yourself' and/or with loved ones? Guess better than Burger Kill ?.

    ? – This length was not intended but I have some 'share time because I don't procrastinate. And like in this video; procrastination doesn't exist. Have you ever seen a flower or tree procrastinating? They don't have bosses (orders), just beautiful symbiosis which we humans seem to have become ignorant (and arrogant?) for. ?

  3. Few reasons: 1. You have no interests on whatever you need to do plus 2. Maybe it’s not easy to do then you put it on hold kinda… I hate write essays in the school and it can’t be avoided because I need to pass the grade. So I always wait until very last mins, even mean I had to work on it at 2am! I rather to do something else I liked or I was doing something else I like ?

  4. My excuse is I don’t know how to start. I think about all the steps and work that goes into it and it scares me. What if I figure out how to do it, try my hardest and then still fail? I think I procrastinate because I’m afraid to fail so I do nothing. But doing nothing is failing. Instead of making me feel uplifted this video just makes me feel lazy, useless and guilty. Every now and then I get motivated. I make my schedule I put things in my planner. I exercise write and do everything I need to do then after a few weeks I fall off. Then weeks later I feel bad and get back on
    my schedule or make a new one. It’s this endless cycle of barley getting anything done. How do I get motivated and stay motivated!? How do I keep going? I feel like I don’t have the strength. I want to but maybe I don’t want it enough.

  5. Hey guys I’ve got some really great news to share with you, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, died and resurrected on the third day so you may all have eternal life. If you repent of your sins and put your faith and trust in Him as you would a parachute jumping 25000 feet up in the air, He will give you eternal life in heaven as a free gift and I promise you, He will change your life forever as He did mine. He is the ONLY way to heaven and He loves you all.

  6. Procrastination has taken over my life since February. I am first year student for heaven’s sake. I hope l find courage to win over procrastination. It saddens me all the time.

    Let me use this video as a booster.

  7. one of my biggest exams is tomorrow and the day after tomrrow now i've donne some work the past few days but it's barely anything and i'm so scared and i hate myself so much for putting me in such a situation this video was like an energy drink to study and that i can still kinda save myself thank u so much for it! (how did it go future me?)

  8. How ridiculous – how many ads do you want to put on this upload and monetise – it is impossible to listen to this upload without the bullshit advertising and the monetisation overreach .. fucking ridiculous.. Apart from that have a good day