E.O. Wilson: Advice to young scientists

E.O. Wilson: Advice to young scientists

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  1. This book is beyond inspiring. Friends can’t support your new journey how his words speak to you in his book, Letters to a Young Scientist. It’s like hearing your positive consciousness speaking to you, it’s what you need to hear before embarking in a science degree

  2. There are some students really afraid of math,including me . Being a medical student I just start my phD period, confidence is very improtant for me .

  3. Freshman in college, just finished reading Naturalist, and eager to take Environmental Studies classes. Wilson's work has inspired me like no other to develop an interest to learn beyond what is regulated

  4. I'm just a high schooler and I am good at my subjects (PCM) but the problem is that I belong to India where research is ignored in front of engineering. We don't have very good colleges for research or I can say research isn't promoted much here (if compared to the US or other nations). I fear that I may loose directions right from this age and may waste a big chunk of time, but still I have a strong desire and decision in mind that no matter what, I'm going to largely contribute in development of my species and civilization.
    Thankyou Sir for these important words.

  5. Feels so sad to have lost this towering giant of science, may his words remain with us and remind us the the greats were not greats but just humsn beings shining the torch of discovery and knowledge on the darkest fronts of science, may this great man rest in peace.

  6. 世界的な自然保護主義者であるエドワード・オズボーン・ウィルソン氏が92歳で死去した。




  7. I remember picking his book Sociobiology up when I was browsing the university book store in the late 70s. I LOVED it. RIP you were appreciated and will be missed.