Does Adversity Strengthen or Weaken the Ego? | Eckhart Tolle Teachings

Does Adversity Strengthen or Weaken the Ego? | Eckhart Tolle Teachings

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The harder we resist difficult situations, the stronger our ego grows. But as Eckhart explains, it is possible to diminish the ego by …

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  1. Its an Illusion, that death is your possibility to hold to the inner story you created just to be continued in other space-time situations
    Using death and illness, treating even death as your saviour to geht released from your daily life mess

  2. This happened to me. I accepted my circumstances and I had one of greatest moments of peace and tranquility I had ever experienced.

  3. I think Stephen Hawking's girlfriend standing by him probably helped him greatly in accepting his new lifestyle.

    It'd be interesting to find out what strength he would have had if he got dropped, quit hus studies and had to live as a recluse.

  4. Thank you Eckhart Tolle. Adversity strengthens the ego but weakens soul growth. We must allow and accept adversity. It's all created to build strength of acceptance of natural law.

  5. I would never have chosen to suffer with my minds thoughts the way I did for a few years and I honestly wouldn't wish it on anyone anywhere but I have learned so much through the suffering, am I a better person because of it? I like to think I was always a pretty good person before I became so confused but I am certainly a wiser person who sees things much more for what they truly are and I am much less controlled by my minds thoughts opinions ideas beliefs and of course other people's conditioned beliefs opinions and ideas now days. I have awareness and acceptance at a much much higher level now and I even more grateful and appreciative than ever before of this gorgeous wonderful experience called life ???????

  6. Some masters says that firm détermination is needed, and others liké you, says that Will is an obstacle. How to concile thé two. Who Can bé déterminéd? It is thé ego? Thk u

  7. I am sorry the problem is not with Ego but with philosophy.
    Can humans really exist without ego ?
    We should focus on good and low ego rather then destroying ego .
    It's not possible it will never be possible

  8. Suicidal tendencies is what woke me up. First I found a CBT package from a Dr. Thomas A. Richards and his team. That got rid of 80% of the false me. Then I read The Power of Now and A New Earth, and soon I was dead. lol. I'd found death before death found me. Now I live perpetually/eternally in the kingdom of heaven. ? Thank You Eckhart. ?

  9. let's avoid collapsing under analitical excess of doubts and worry which hinder real time flow to observe with courage our opponent to win real challenge and cash target

  10. He's shown me that I DO have a persistent ego that holds on to past experiences. Thank you Eckhart for unveiling my poor me! ego/pain body after 45 years. I have made so much progress in only a couple of months, but a daily commitment to facing your ego is EVERYTHING.

  11. So true about the resistance. This happened to me. The suffering was absolutely unbearable and I could feel my health suffering. I knew acceptance was the only way to bliss. You Elkhart were a solid footing and helped me to get through with the tools I already had. I lost my whole family but realized the abuse and bullying was something I had to accept and move forward. Though I still have moments I allow that, then go toward the acceptance once again. Thank you.