Does a Relationship Complete us? | Q&A Eckhart Tolle

Does a Relationship Complete us? | Q&A Eckhart Tolle

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In this video, Eckhart discusses the transformative power of acceptance and surrender. Enroll in the School of Awakening: …

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  1. As I listened to your words off acceptance, I have looked inside felt and accepted,immediately the feeling turned into calm peaceful and complete, I am thankful ??

  2. This is the most precious answer for handling desire of any kind…love money acceptance whatever desire that brings suffering.
    Eckhart Tolle thank you

  3. I've been on some dating websites…and reading the women's profiles… at least reading between the lines…there is so much loneliness out their. I'm sure for men too. But I wish all those people could hear Eckhart's message