Clearing the “Excess Baggage” of Unhappiness | Eckhart Tolle Teachings

Clearing the “Excess Baggage” of Unhappiness | Eckhart Tolle Teachings

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Disappointment, fear, anger, annoyance—our unhappy emotions so often stem from deeply ingrained mental narratives. Here, Eckhart helps us lift this heavy burden and rediscover our inner spaciousness.

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  1. Karma not just from this life. Once that's cleared maybe then you see all the so-called masters recycling what our ancestors knew. Once you access your own tree, you realize that the universe
    ( now )is become:
    Air ( time )
    Space ( how much )
    Yin and yang are buy and sell
    The world's become a ridiculous market while being told what's right or wrong

  2. Flight cancelled , which meant missing my connecting flight then the connecting train , which was terrible as had to pay again as missed those connections , and i missed my mothers funeral .

  3. If soul/spirit is perfect, knowing all, why then the necessity of taking on the seeming flesh of existence on a seeming planet? Wonder is it all a game? Like chess? And each piece on the board has a predetermined move? Argh!

  4. Interesting time to hear this. I left my house and went to a private airport to watch planes take off. I've been struggling with depression and trying to get my self realigned. The airport talk really got my attention.

  5. So, so true. The mind always makes a bad situation worse, but only if you let it. You have to train it like a dog. If you don't it runs riot, creating the fictitious narratives from where unhappiness can grow. Staying present is the strongest antidote to thought.

  6. Blessings to all, I believe in you ? You read this by synchronicity, the universe wants to assure you that you are on track and your manifestations are coming into reality steadily and lovingly ?

  7. Unhappy and angry people go around living their life in a constant tirade against the world, never realizing their life sucks because of their actions!

  8. …you cannot learn balance on a calm ocean… dis crime emanate ..,
    ..i bow my head and apologize to the cockroaches I am committed to spray .
    ..what supports your existence supports my existence…
    ..I'll try to be cleaner in the future..

  9. Im only in a good mood because i have psychadelic highs every 7 days to look forqard to but if i revert back itll only be regret multiple time a day till its over

  10. I have this with my marriage. I just focus on the “baggage” I want to be happy, the narrative in my mind tells me I’m so unsatisfied. I really can’t tell if it’s the reality or my narrative.

  11. What if my greatest source of unhappiness is seeing other people mistreat animals/pets? Ever since I got my own dog I started noticing how often other people ignore their dogs' emotional needs. For example owners usually scold their dogs when they clearly bark out of fear and should receive support. Not to mention caged animals and their misery throughout their whole lives. I don't self pity, I pity other animals and it brings me a lot of suffering. So in a way I do self pity because I can't stand seeing animals mistreated.

  12. I believe that life is like that, with risks, dangers, challenges and also with pleasant moments, with triumphs and also with misfortunes. Through infinite time, the beings of our planet have developed the ability to think, but now our species needs to evolve to continue existing, this is how life seems to be, life without beginning or end, the greatest of mysteries. But the important thing is that each one of the living beings manages to spend the time that we inhabit the earth, with peace, tranquility, well-being and joy, through evolving to the next step, which is enlightenment. As soon as enlightenment arrives, we can start by stopping the negative thoughts that the mind produces by being in the Now.