BEST OF JORDAN PETERSON | Best Life Advice – Speeches Compilation 30-Mins Long

BEST OF JORDAN PETERSON | Best Life Advice – Speeches Compilation 30-Mins Long

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JORDAN PETERSON’S BEST LIFE ADVICE! These are the Best Motivational Videos featuring Jordan Peterson of all time! This is a compilation of all the best Jordan Peterson videos we’ve made over the years.

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Lewis Howes:
Aubrey Marcus:
Patrick Bet David:

“Treat yourself like someone you are responsible for helping. Don’t be a slave to stupid rules. And know that it’s better to do something badly than to not do it at all.”
― Jordan Peterson

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Jordan Peterson

Jordan Peterson is North America’s most popular psychologist. He is a professor at the University of Toronto and focuses on abnormal, social and personality psychology.

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  1. I think 90 percent women are narcissists. Just because we have religions that make it normal to suffer, we don't. Most wives are sneaky nightmares. I know. My mother was. My sister is. I worked with them. They try to destroy. Narcissists are freaks of nature.

  2. As a developing boy, Jordan had to answer to a father figure that is emotionally trapped in vicious circles of thoughts and feelings ("opinionated and stubborn").
    Jordan's father Walt did not grow emotionally beyond the view of a boy in "conflict (with his father) over damn near everything" (as Walt put it in an interview with Jordan).

    Walt said that his father was adopted.
    Walt's father was in conflict with a boy (Walt) "over damn near everything" because Walt's father's mind was trapped in the vicious circles of thought and feelings of a boy.
    Walt's father was not the perspectives of an adult– so he could not provide Walt with the example, guidance, and realistic focus of attention of an adult and father figure.
    Walt's father was limited to the emotionally unconscious view of a boy– trapped by deprivations of care and developmental support and trapped by decisions about himself.

    "What is the "will" in psychology?

    n. 1. the capacity or faculty by which a human being is able to make choices and determine his or her own behaviors in spite of influences external to the person."
    Children develop a will as they learn how to bring unconscious interpretations into consciousness where they can be consciously considered and managed.

    Walt did not develop a conscious will; Rather Walt developed counterwill in reaction to the coercion coming from his father, and the void of support to understand and manage his father's behavior.
    Counterwill is not will.
    Counterwill is a defense mechanism and strategy, in the absence of a will, to counter the real or perceived coercion coming from others.

    Walts counterwill, to stave off the force of his father, is an unconscious archetype.
    Walt's unconscious archetype (in reaction to his father)puts him in a fixed predicament where his location-of-control is external (his father's behavior).
    Walt's unconscious archetype of counterwill has his mind trapped in only relating to human behavior in terms of comparisons; As opposed to the direct conscious experience and distinctions of human behavior that are available looking from a will/conscious adult.

    Jordan has modeled his behavior, focus of attention, reasoning, and feelings on comparisons to the examples provided by his father Walt.

  3. He takes the time to carefully explain the different mind sets and agendas of different people and amazingly helping people understand what others are up to mischievous silly sausages

  4. I quit drinking 3months ago been the best since.. just feel like I’m getting left out though from social function but once Im over that it should be great!!! but smoking weed has been a struggle!

  5. I am at my wits end with living this miserable sad hurtful life. The last 10 years of my life is taking on the worst turn and I just can't take it anymore. What the hell am I doing here? How much longer can I go like this. What is the use of feeling so broken I am going on like this. As soon as something starts to feel better. Boom there's another thing that hits you. I can't take it I don't get it. I try to be as positive as possible but it's just I can't I can't.

  6. What always made getting out of bed in the morning easy for me was looking forward to completing a complex design on which I was currently working. I designed hydraulic power units that are used to control industrial processes around the world. My creativity was the spur that made working in this field so satisfying. I enjoyed the work so much that I didn't mind not being paid what I was worth.

  7. The muzak is pointless, and a distraction. Peterson's means of communication here is verbal… (sound) and what do you do? Add more sound. That gets in the way of his message.

  8. I want to have a loving life but the terms of the contract as of now incentivize her to break it, as in doing so she will retain some of the benefits she received by choosing to marry me with none of the cost or responsibility that goes along with it.

    I want to believe that the future is optimistic but I do not trust people to vote in their best self interest rather than vote against something they hate.

    I want to believe that things will get better but I fear that my country will be torn apart before it has a chance.

    And I want to believe that other people can empathize with my fears, but instead I am told that I am exaggerating my fears and that I need to just get over it.

    I want to have Hope but I know the people responsible for all of this will never face consequences… so why bother

    I don’t want to be the fastest the smartest of the strongest the happiest the handsomest the prettiest girl really the best in the category… I just want to live my life in peace, cherishing what I love, and be left alone.

    I’m tired of people dislike my values sharing my interests and people I share values with mocking my interests.

  9. I'm 65 years old and have spent 54 years of my life buried by sadness, depression, over work, under achievement, parental distress and any other negative emotion that exists. The small miracle is that I didn't become an addict and didn't lose my sanity. Now that I've discovered Jordan Peterson there is even a slight possibility of finding a way back to the person I believe I was born to be. Nobel prize for this individual.

  10. Jordon Peterson best advice , Is to bullshit your way through university until they catch you out then pontificate on Youtube and lie through his arse about his qualifications.
    He was sacked for making his own curriculum up, How fucked in the head is that.
    You asking people to believe this bullshitting piece of religious shit.
    I am still waiting to debate him on god.
    3 years.

  11. Iv been awakening to all this since 2006 , especially 2014. Trauma blinds, need objective love/wisdom to heal , hope, faith, discipline, strengths……although healing must come before some forms of "strength" can form. No objective love (self respect) there is no hope. Stand and rise above the inner ills in faith. Its not about others its all about your own mind and soul.
    when you work on bettering yourself objectively you love the world around you.

  12. The gospel, which is the good news of the Bible, is the work of Jesus Christ, the Son of God and what He did on the cross for all of humanity.

            But, before talking about Jesus and the cross, we need to look at the problem of humanity, the problem every one of us is faced with. Despite the efforts of any person, we cannot earn our way to heaven. Romans 3:23 says: "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,". Anyone can examine themselves and know that even though, yes, sometimes we can do good, we also do evil at times. We commit moral crimes, and we rebel against God, which the Bible calls sin. We lie, we steal, we blaspheme God, and we can lust and have hate for our brother in our hearts. These are just some of the sins more than likely every person on earth has committed. We do this because we are born with a sin nature, it is a disease of the heart and we need a cure. God is loving, holy and merciful among other attributes but He is also just, perfectly just. Like any crime, sin has to be punished. If God did not punish sin, then He would be unjust. He would be corrupt. Someone has to take the punishment. Romans 6:23 says: "For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.". This is talking about spiritual death, not physical death; if you die in your sins then you go to hell. There is good evidence that humans have souls. Near-death experiences are one of those evidences. There is a part of you that lives on past your physical body. 

           God sent His only Son to earth about 2000 years ago, His Son is Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the promised Savior of the world. He fulfilled hundreds of prophecies by coming to and being in our world. Jesus was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life and was crucified on the cross as a payment for our sins. God poured out His wrath on Jesus in our place, meaning the justice of God is satisfied and sin is punished. While we were still at enmity with God, God still wants to save us, Romans 5:8 says: "But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.". Three days after Jesus was crucified, He rose again proving that His payment was enough and that He was who He said He was, the Son of God. There is real-world evidence for the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. This is not just a nice story.
           Scripture tells us to repent, to put our trust in Jesus, and to follow Him as Lord. Repentance means a change of mind which means to turn from a life following sin to a life following Christ. Salvation is a free gift and it cannot be earned. No one can be perfectly moral on their own, it is impossible. This is the only way to be in the presence of God in heaven. It is important to reiterate that we cannot save ourselves; it is the gift of God for one to be saved. God is rich in mercy and ready to forgive, cry out to Him, be sincere when coming to God, this is not a flippant thing. Repent and place your trust in Jesus Christ alone, today is the day of salvation. Ephesians 2:8-9 says: "For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, so that no one may boast.". Salvation is a gift. When we are saved we become a child of God forever, nothing can separate us from Him. He gives us a new heart, He will guide us in life and help us to grow to be more like Christ.

           There is no other way, Jesus Himself said that He is the way, the truth and the life and no one comes to the Father but through Him. Jesus is not just a way, a truth or a life. Romans 10:9 says: "That if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved;".