A conservative's plea: Let's work together | Arthur Brooks

A conservative's plea: Let's work together | Arthur Brooks

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Conservatives and liberals both believe that they alone are motivated by love while their opponents are motivated by hate. How can we solve problems with so much polarization? In this talk, social scientist Arthur Brooks shares ideas for what we can each do as individuals to break the gridlock. “We might just be able to take the ghastly holy war of ideology that we’re suffering under and turn it into a competition of ideas,” he says.

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  1. I’m going to write this completely apolitical so you don’t know which side I’m on. I believe the issue with what this man is saying is that it is not inherently invalid to believe that one ideology is better than the other. I personally believe my ideology to be far superior to the opposition and I believe that there are right answers to many many political questions, not just different correct views. The reason this speech was flawed is that most people will agree that their ideology is correct and it’s part of human nature and never going away. We have gotten where we have gotten in society because we squeeze out tiny elements of truth every so often amongst debates between staunchly closed minded people. Ideologies aren’t bad and the paradise where everyone works together is not possible.

  2. He is describing Peru in the 90s, with those 5 rules, a pre-capitalist economy, we went from looking like today's Venezuela to reducing extreme poverty to 21.7%, which I know it sounds like it is still a lot of poverty but in the 80s it was 40% of the country. And that is just the ones getting out of extreme poverty, but it doesn't show the people who went from low class to middle class, or from the middle class to high middle class (like my family), and from high middle class to high class.

  3. He acts as if conservatives don’t care about poverty, probably because he wanted to make liberals more cooperative and brush over the fact that the majority of liberals would trample human rights and make poverty worse given the opportunity.

  4. Left & Right, let's unite and smash the parasitic war profiteering billionaire class that feeds from the world's neck. No labels, just the facts.

  5. This message is positive, and 10 years ago, I might have had hope that reconciliation was possible and beneficial, but after everything that has happened, the truth is clear to me.

    The truth is that leftists don't want to coexist with whites, straights, males, or Christians. I know we're not supposed to label ourselves, but there is a demographic of people here that want to harm me, physically, mentally, and emotionally, widely known as the left. To deny the existence of that demographic is obviously asinine, and to deny the existence of the hatred inherent in their agenda is folly. There can be no reconciliation with that, only oppression.

  6. He’s missing a central point, it’s all unsustainable consumption. The Earth is on the bring of irreversible tipping points in the climate and ecological systems. We may have even crossed some of these points of no return already, it’s too hard for scientists to be sure sue to the complexe interactions of what are already complex cycles in their own right.

  7. Hi. I have listened to three of your presentations (today), this one, your BYU address, (I am a Latter-day Saint), and you and Simon Sinek on stage speaking at a book signing. Thank you for your thoughts. I want to express to you my distaste of using the Palestinian people's situation as an example for some of your ideas. I am married to a Palestinian and have lived in the West Bank for more than 30 years. Your remarks do not reflect the facts. Thank you again for your help and uplifting spirit.

  8. Lean left the ship will sink, lean right the ship will still sink, center balance and making sure the left or right side is supportive to keep the ship from sinking. Compromise party should also be included in political party, this party would take things left and right wing wants and mix them together so, they both can be happy. Just my opinion.

  9. I do agree with what he says about Democrats and Republicans getting along and cooperating on issues, becoming a bi-partisan team to end poverty, but that's very naïve and dreamy.I don't feel like this video is very relevant for 2021. He made this before Trump became president, and before Trump became president we all thought we were in a post racial society. He claims that Democrats think they do things out of love and that the others are out of hate while Republicans think Democrats are out to get them, and vice versa. But he's been living a comfy white life in Seattle. He's never seen the kind of obvious hate that is in a place like Oklahoma. As one of the very few democrats in Oklahoma, I know hate is not perceived by Democrats. The Republicans in Oklahoma are hateful, and they do not hide it. They vocally, out loud, put down gays, minorities, teachers, and the disabled and I hear it all the time. It is real and he is too naïve from living in Seattle to realize that what he is saying is not as simple as 'work together'. The hate, the racism and homophobia, needs to go away before we can work together and get along like I want.

  10. It's a great story on why there is no better system than capitalism. The majority of people in the USSR were starving. And if you wanna talk about China, they have capitalism too, contrary to popular beliefs.

  11. The globalists, who attend Ted talks as if they are some kind of secular church service are not really capitalists and they aren't really progressives. They mean to rule benevolently, but they mean to rule. Power is their god.

  12. Are Liberalism and Conservatism mutually exclusive? We would argue that Mr Brook's view of the political spectrum is constrained by theory and perhaps not a reflection of reality.