2 Things You Need to Understand to Stop Being Lazy – Willpower by Roy Baumeister

2 Things You Need to Understand to Stop Being Lazy – Willpower by Roy Baumeister

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If you want a suggestion for the free audiobook or for reading a book, here’s FightMediocrity beginner’s reading list:
1. Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki: http://amzn.to/1VLAklY
2. The 4-Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss: http://amzn.to/1Qn5DA5
3. How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie: http://amzn.to/1VLAoCe
4. The 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene: http://amzn.to/1VLAoSK
5. The Way of the Superior Man by David Deida: http://amzn.to/1Qn5EDZ
6. Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl: http://amzn.to/1Qn5GM0
7. Mastery by George Leonard: http://amzn.to/1VLArOu
8. Mindfulness for Beginners by Jon Kabat-Zinn: http://amzn.to/1VLAs4S
9. The Obstacle is the Way by Ryan Holiday: http://amzn.to/1VLAslw

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  1. Kind of felt guilty about ordering food a lot of times because cooking feels like it takes so much of my time and energy. (And unlike most people, i just don’t find cooking enjoyable). Thanks for this, helps me feel little a better 🙂

  2. This video just says: "Why rich people become more successful! They pay other people to make the unproductive decisions for them." Which is also why many more men in history have become successful, because they had mothers, wives and housekeepers do the cooking, cleaning and grocery shopping for them. And I am not going to talk about the time-, energy- and willpower suck that comes with having children or elderly parents. And that is also mostly for women, unless they are rich. It is also the reason rich women always look so healthy and young, they have someone else do the annyoing things, while they use their willpower and energy for fitness and money on beauty treatments.

    So let's be honest: The way to not having to decide between a messy house or being motivated at home, between eating healthy meals or studying for a degree is having money already.

  3. So now i understand why I'm so lazy to do exercise after work. But i still not understand why at works i kept telling me to go home and do exercise, but unfortunately when I'm home. I'll just sleep

  4. Wow this is awesome… but my problem is I wake up in a lot of pain. Scroll on the phone. Wait for the pain to go down. Then I have no energy after eating breakfask. (Or no energy even right from getting up)

  5. How can you not change your socks everyday and think it's a hard task? But maybe this was in the 70s and it was common to not care about hygiene that much ?

  6. All is mind.  There is nothing but mind.  The mind is infinite, creative and eternal. The mind never shuts off, even in sleep and at death.  You can not experience non-existence.  Try it.  Imagine it, if you will. You will still exist while you perform this experiment.

    You are eternal always, but you experience yourself through the finite which is neither a mirror nor a projection, by the way. The finite is a boundary.  A hard fast boundary. The finite is a subset within the infinite in which contrast and choice create boundaries. You do not stuff the infinite into the finite.  The finite is an experience inside of the mind. The eternal at play. Playing with contrast by placing boundaries and applying meanings.

    You can even create a game inside of your mind in which you imagine that you are outside of your mind. You then experience life happening to you.  Things which are separate from you. Meaning is thrust upon you.  You believe that you have fallen and you must pay a karmic debt.  That you are a soul, or perhaps a spirit which is forced to learn lessons and grow through struggle.  You can even believe that you are unworthy.

    Yet, you have enormous value.  You possess a certificate of authentication, as all things of value do as well.  Your unique thumbprint and DNA sequence is your certificate of authenticity.  You are a one of a kind and priceless. Your natural authentic self. Feel that.

    All that is experienced is imagined from care.  You were made from care. And it is care which holds you in focus for the purpose of experiencing this timebound meaningful experience in a finite world inside of your mind.

    If you don't mind then it don't matter.  But if you care, and it matters much to you, then it will become an experience in matter.  It is this care that is the force that shapes your world.  If you care.  If someone cares for you.  

    If you want to experience peace, create a boundary for peace inside your infinite mind, give it the meaning of peace, give it space, allow it to just be.  Care about peace.

    If you want to experience abundance, create a boundary for abundance inside your infinite mind, give it the meaning of abundance, give it space, allow it to just be.  Care about abundance.

    If you want to experience a healthy body, create a boundary for health inside your infinite mind, give it the meaning of vibrant health, give it space, allow it to be.  Care about abundance.

    If you want to experience care, create a boundary for care inside your infinite mind, give it the meaning of great care, give it space, allow it to be

  7. I like this video. Thank you for this. As simple as it sounds, it actually gives a lot of clarity to people who are overwhelmed with daily tasks to get done and still find time for doing the things that will improve their future.

  8. I somehow knew this things , i always try to study in morning ,because i could go on studying until even loke 2 or 3pm afternoon but if i do something else or physical work (which is forced on me) i can not study later on, this has become an issue for me