Zig Ziglar's Speech Will Leave You SPEECHLESS | One of the Most Eye Opening Speeches Ever

Zig Ziglar's Speech Will Leave You SPEECHLESS | One of the Most Eye Opening Speeches Ever

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  1. A little over 20 years ago, I was the top sales rep for Zig Ziglar's direct sales company, the Zig Ziglar Network. There were two reasons why.
    The first reason was, I really believed in what Zig taught. I was a big believer in his philosophy, life message and training concepts.
    The 2nd reason was I did things differently. People who excel in anything in life, typically do things differently than everyone else.
    Zig Ziglar was one of a kind. And even today, all these years later, I go back and read and listen to his material, because it is timeless, it is true and it works.

  2. Many years ago, the company I worked for sent a small group of employees, including me to one of Zig Ziglar's seminars. I can't remember if it was one day or two. I wish that I had paid more attention to him at the time and really took the time to learn more and put it into action.

  3. In the summer of 1978 Roger Milliken of Milliken & Company headquartered in La Grange, Georgia invited Zig Ziglar to speak to his new Trainees. I was one of those 10 Trainees. At the time I was only 22 and never heard of Mr. Ziglar. He came in, dressed to the tee. He was entertaining, clear, and on top of his game. It was a memorable day. He gave us each an autographed copy of his book, "See you at the top". This book was rejected 39 times before it was published. Mr. Ziglar is the poster child for never giving up.

  4. A blessed day to you brothers and sisters. (We are all called to be family in Christ!?) Family, JESUS CHRIST THE LORD DIED FOR OUR SINS, HE WAS BURIED, AND HE ROSE AGAIN THE THIRD DAY!??? Jesus (the SON OF GOD) LOVES US ALL!?? Peace and love to you all in the name of the Lord Jesus!?

  5. Once I hit 18 I developed some awful financial habits because I never had a foundation, and I was surrounded by my parents always being in debt. I thought it was normal. A decade later and I feel like I'm in the same position as my parent's, but I won't let that happen. I need to swallow my pride and pick up anything that will bring me some extra money monthly so I can be debt-free and feel like I have a life.

  6. I never like this “2% get it” crap. It is so cheesy. But hey you got a lot of hits and money from YouTube, all you had to do was steal a bunch of clips off someone else’s life work. Thief.

  7. Hard work doesn't require official education. Plumbers, carpenters, mechanics and MOST jobs that give a person satisfaction and a decent income are not taught in schools. Screw the Obama idiotic false claim that you're nothing without a college degree. I know a man with a degree in economics that cannot understand simple arithmetic. But rather than someone who actually understands accounting a company hired that dope to manage people who do. Companies that do this have no right to be in business.

  8. I've read a lot of sales books over the span of my sales career. Many modern sales gurus will tell you that Zig's methods are old and outdated. There may be some truth to that, but his books and audiobooks contain a lot of valuable information that in my opinion are still as relevant as ever. This guy really paved the way for many of the modern self help/sales authors. There is still much of his material I apply to this day. "Motivation doesn't last; neither does bathing, that's why we recommend it, daily."