you won’t become a beast overnight…grind every day until you become one…

you won’t become a beast overnight…grind every day until you become one…

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  1. Desires are equal enlightenment: unlet you attach your self to the wrong desire & wont let go! said the True Buddha! Suffer what their is to suffer & enjoy what their is to enjoy. Consider joy & suffering as factors of life! Retune to prayer with one hour of prayer increase daily & start again by claiming it is so & declarer it to into existence! Say: All Mighty IAMx3 & Make it So! Repeat soon Come, til it come true!

  2. you are not what you do !!! don't let anyone make you believe that because you didn't pass this or that, then you are the one failing! noooo !!!!

    what you do, what you want to do and what you are is 3 very different things !!!

    What makes you a treasure is what's in your heart! Your deep desire which has nothing to do with the things of the world, pressure, social success, a career …. ESPECIALLY DOES NOT REDUCE YOU AND DO NOT LET ANYBODY DO IT! Keep your heart in clairvoyance, peace, joy and inner freedom!

    Do not get tired of being in "" having "" and "" doing ""! Be! and be happy as if you were naked in the middle of the forest or in the middle of the desert !! Keep an eye on the end and the happiness of those who are older than you or who are already dead to discern what you want to be and therefore what is illusion to avoid! do not confuse pleasure and happiness! Very few people are happy and free and they are not rich and super busy, nor super surrounded!

    the only perfection to be achieved is within you! in your heart! And by the unconditional love you must have for God, for yourself and for others!

    beware of ambition!

    Know that your enemy is invisible and always there to watch for a breach to reach you!

    But may he also use others who are not free in themselves!

    you were not created in a factory trying to be like everyone else! you are unique and called to become what you should be! masterpiece of God!

  3. you are so strong, so beautiful and so loved but you dnt know it, if you know, you dnt feal it so you feel so sad so and alone, and that make you so weak! In Jesus you can everything! please love yourself and take care of your boby, mind and soul! trust in God and yourself! love you all! 😉 be blessed !!! and you have to know that devil is afraid of you! so think about it!

  4. Excellent video and great content on this channel overall. This came up at just the right time! Could you tell me who the female speaker is at 4:55?

  5. I want you to focus on your school, on your carrier, on your job, on your side hustle, on your business. I want you to be the best damn worker on your field that no man, no woman, no child, living or dead can do the job better than you can! Go get it!

  6. To everyone in the gutter, in the trenches, on the climb to success against insurmountable odds… to those who refuse to yield to weakness, fatigue, hunger and fear. I’m proud of you. Proud of you for being part of the few who dare. Dare to enter the arena of life and fight over and over and over again. I believe in you. And I’m in the ring with you fighting the same battles every day. Get after it. stay hungry. keep the vision. And keep climbing ?‍♀️. Dare to show up and believe your dreams will one day become your reality. ?

  7. These types of videos are great and all but they usually only result in about forty-five minutes of true productivity. If you want these videos to actually stick with the listener and positively impact their lives I would tweak a couple things.

    1. I would upload less frequently. Your overwhelming amount of content per week has become watered down and bland. I would recommend uploading like once per week, but putting a week's worth of effort into that video.

    2. Find speakers that other people aren't used to listening to. Particularly voices of the past century that were the inspiration to the speakers that talk on your channel. An example would be Tony Robbins. Tony is a huge motivational speaker and is used by hundreds of motivation channels. However, his mentor Jim Rohn was an even bigger and more impactful speaker than, but because of the generation gap he is much less known in our current generation. I think there are many untapped gold mines there, Jim Rohn, Earl Nightingale, Alan Watts, etc.

    3. Cut the bland filler visuals, every clip looks the same and waters down the whole message. Use longer clips that are more powerful and halve them appear multiple times throughout the videos to create a solid foundation in the listener's mind. I would be afraid either to use older clips, animation, or even making your videos black and white. Variety is the spice of life.

    4. Put your soul into these videos. I think that when channels blow up and become successful they sometimes forget their roots. Remember why you started this channel. I'm assuming it wasn't for the money. I would guess that you have some sort of deal, that you have to pump out a certain amount of content in a specific amount of time. However, don't let that be an excuse for half-assed content that strays from your original purpose as a creator.

    5. Try to actually read this comment as if It were coming from an actual person instead of just another number in the algorithm.

    I'm not every I've stated will be utilized, but maybe you can salvage something no matter how small. I think if the big motivation channels band together and start producing some real, impactful content, I thoroughly believe you guys can change the world.

  8. @Absolute Motivation  who was the guy speaking at the start? What an incredible video. Empowering and a good reminder that it's okay to be vulnerable, but not let adversity take the lead

  9. Another stronge and motivational upload!Once a person is determined and thinks positive, he/she will undoubtedly put his/her best foot forward to achieve the desired.The hurdles and barriers on the life journey won’t shake his/her perseverance, determination, and confidence.all these features will definitely pace the path to success.
    Thanks for sharing the best of the best!

  10. Make a million mistakes , learn from them , come back bigger better stronger .

    I've failed , now peoples around me have no expectations from me ,
    And Now It's time to Work .