“You Risk WASTING Your Life If You Don't Know This…” — Jordan Peterson

“You Risk WASTING Your Life If You Don't Know This…” — Jordan Peterson

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In this video, Professor Jordan Peterson gives us an inspirational speech talking about the dangers of wasting time. Stick around to the end of this motivational video for a life-changing quote.

We hope you enjoy this motivational video and are inspired to take action, follow your dreams and achieve your goals!

Jordan Bernt Peterson (born 12 June 1962) is a Canadian professor of psychology, clinical psychologist, YouTube personality, motivational personality, and author. He began to receive widespread attention in the late 2010s for his views on cultural and political issues.

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→Our other videos on Jordan Peterson:
Why You Shouldn’t Be Nice | Jordan Peterson?

How To Easily Improve Yourself (And Not Fail) | Jordan Peterson ?https://youtu.be/7mahY8B6nOY
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-Most of the clips on this video are licensed through Creative Commons license from pexels.com
-The rest of the footage is not ours, it has been used in accordance with the Fair Use law with the intent of creating an educational and inspirational video.
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Special Thanks To Dr Jordan B Peterson for these wise words, please go check him out and watch his full lectures!

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/JordanPeter
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jordanbpeterson
Donation Link:https://www.jordanbpeterson.com/donate/
At the Foot of the Sphinx by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Artist: http://www.twinmusicom.org/

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  1. This is an American preoccupation (that got into some people elsewhere, e.g. Peterson is Canadian). In other cultures you work, end your work day at some hour, and then live your life, have a family, and enjoy your time. You don't have some pressure to be "productive", "leave a mark", "be a success" and other such BS. You work to live, you don't live to work. And you don't measure yourself upon doing some great stunt, in business, art, or elsewhere…

  2. This guy is all over YouTube lecturing on this that and whatever. He not worth wasting your time watching IMHO. I've watched a few of his clips while browsing in my leisure time. Won't be watching any more as my leisure time is too valuable to waste.

  3. ….it’s a bit sad that the opposite of wasting time is declared with earning more money. Looking back over a few decades of my career, I am sure that this is misleading….

  4. I don't like the way wasted time is monetized in this way. There is more to life than money. Learn a language, visit a museum, see a friend. paint a fence or take in a view or whatever. Sure we all waste time but I am not inspired to change that because of what the time may add up to in $$$$

  5. Im 24 and wasting my every second in life , however i am suffering depressive personality disorder which was diagnosed when i was 15 which has no magic cure for it , failing my university 2nd year in a row , afraid of entering a job , anxiety over the roof about future . Considered suicide a lot in the last 2 years or so , but my mom and my cat keeping me alive somehow , however i am very tired of this short cycle of failing everything i do in life . Even my family and MY MOTHER started to see me as a failure .

  6. What is wasting time?
    Some would say, at the end of their life, that they wasted too much time at work and not enough time enjoying life with loved ones.

  7. As motivational as this is, it can also be what causes burnout. Most of us need time every single day to defragment our brain so that we can function at the same level tomorrow.

  8. How do you know that you've wasted your time? If you believe you've wasted your time, but you're saying that with hindsight (as your future self about your past self), then could you just be forgetting the context of why you've made those choices in the past, and why those choices made perfect sense to you then?
    It's easy to say time has been wasted. But think about the context of everything that's led up to how you've spent your time. Maybe you haven't actually wasted anything. The way you've spent your time in the past is a big part of what's made you into this person. Sometimes you need to "fail" so you can "succeed".
    Allow yourself to fail. Failure is important.
    Maybe instead of labeling time as "wasted" or "not wasted", you can try to find value in your faults. Failure is a crucial part of the experience. Without our many failures in life, maybe we wouldn't be able to succeed like we do.

  9. Many failures in life are believed to be successes. The reverse is also true, many successes in life are believed to be failures.
    Don't let appearance deceive you. Success and failure, those words aren't always useful. The shots you don't take are just an alternate reality that you can never experience. You can't know what lurks behind the veil of "what if".
    There are many people who appear to have succeeded when the opposite is true. And many people who appear to have failed when they're succeeded just fine. Don't judge your own successes and failures too strongly. Your story is not over yet.

  10. I waste 0% of every day. Of course, becuase i have written millions of words and painted thousands of pictures, made fullsize carvings of figurative and also not just one song in music: I guess im not the average person.

  11. Jordan thinks too much. Probably why he had a breakdown. I don’t waste a second of my life because I don’t seek to be what he terms as “productive” every second ..it’s great ?

  12. The whole obligation of man is to seek out the true GOD and find out what he wants us to do to get out of this alienation from him .
    The more strands of evidence you find on GODS existence the more will keep coming.
    Like Christ said unless you have the attitude of a small child you will not inherit the kingdom of heaven
    What do small children do ?…… Always ask questions .
    The sperm reaches the egg we become life ,we reach GOD and live our lives according to his standards we are given life forever.
    If not ,back to oblivion.

  13. You should not compare every waste of time is a waste of money, because we may waste a time of our times in order to do something good, and that good thing may not lead to all the treasures of the world.

  14. You can't waste time. For all people on earth, time passes by and cannot be stopped or stored. If you're not doing something 'productive' then time still passes by at the same rate.

  15. Here's to armchair philosophy!!
    I just love people who say "folks are like this, folks are like that..and that's how it is!"
    wonderful philosophy…did he get it off the back of a cereal box??

    This man comes off as
    an insufferable know it all
    self absorbed

    a total douchebag

  16. Things don't run as they should because we were created to be consciously guided, equipped and directed by the DIVINE who only has the capacity to tie it ALL together in order for life to happen as it should. We are in an IMPOSED state of uncommunication and sort of a controlled dissaray so when things are put back in their proper order, we will TRULY appreciate it! Thy Kingdom come!

  17. ugh, 50 an hour is a serious overestimate, even 25 an hour is arguably a serious overestimate

    that said man's not wrong, always room for more efficiency, but one also needs to remember to have leisure time as well, we r not machines

  18. As a 24 year old guy, I used to misunderstood the terms "stop wasting your time". Listening to his talks and reading JP books really open up my mind about it.

  19. Completely agree. Now there are many distractions that make it more difficult to achieve anything you set your mind to. Mental and physical care is essential to maintain concentration and high performance and for that all you need is attitude, the rest is left over

  20. Why does everything have to equate to money? So whilst I'm chilling listening to my favourite music or meditating, I could have been doing something more productive that could lead to generating more money? I had loads of money once upon a time. I had 2 houses and 3 cars. Fast forward, I now rent an apartment, don't have a car and earn a fraction of what I was earning back in the day. I've simplified my life, I'm no longer chasing the buck. I earn enough (working part time) to have a comfortable lifestyle. Wasting time? Bullshit! Do whatever the fuck you want to do as long as you do it with kind intent and others aren't' harmed.

  21. "I't's like". Why do you use "it's Like" and "right" so inappropriately in speech? Is it because "'like" you are "like" a professor or something, right? So incredibly sloppy and makes it very difficult to listen to a damn thing you have to to say, right? The rest of your message was completely lost on me. This man is not is a leader for young people or anyone else.

  22. "I don't know anything and I'd just like to say "To hell with it!"???

    Have you spent time with young people, parents of this next generation of little ankle-biters? Crawl out from under the rock you live in otherwise you WILL become a dinosaur.