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  1. This is all great. Great to help people want to try, great to help people believe in hope.

    This life IS ruthless. This life IS filled with folks that are borderline DEVILS. And there are MANY that fail. MANY that do not get back up, and MANY that get up time and time again their entire lives to still fall defeated.
    IMHO these videos do not lend themselves to being realistic. IMHO there needs to be honesty when it comes to trying and helping people. Ignoring the ugly parts for the sake of being motivational perhaps does more harm than good when the inevitable fall comes around.
    Sure you may help a few. Those who’s circumstances allow them to come through as prescribed.
    But what of those left disenchanted? Could this be also be a recipe for further harm?
    Anyone who has gone through the shortcomings attempted to be remedied in this video knows very well that although the message is heart warming, the reality is far from accurate.
    Good luck, have strength. Life may get better. Never give up. ⭐️

  2. Thank you so much for sending this video. It has taught me to have steel focus and live the life of my dreams. To everyone here, I wish you all the very best in making your own success story. Let us make 2023 the year of change for all of us.

  3. To you reading this right now… Listen to me: You are doing great right now. You are now heading in the right direction! Know that you have a great purpose in where you’re going. Know that you are EXACTLY right where you are supposed to be at this moment in time. Trust that God will guide you in your next step and all the steps beyond that. Meanwhile, know that you are loved and supported by all of us. You’re awesome and you’re gonna get through this! Everything you’re going through right now is to fill your arsenal with tools to help that certain someone later on, once you land safely from all this.

  4. Something hit me really hard, that is……I REALLY do want it, but that something that litterly chunk me into lava and then save me just to put in lava again. I don't really care what other people think of me. If I want to it, I will…..the problem is that I been alone and fighting along all my child and just got to 18 and like, I been through hell as it is but all of didn't give me a how. So I’m left with the mindset of what your been talking about….but since it hasn't giving me a how to go about it. I’m just very much lose. Not going to lie, this pain hurt a-lot more then any other.

  5. I stopped thinking I could do it for two years and got completely off track. Now I've been back at it for 2 months. I feel like I can do it.

  6. Wow, this is good. Get the right people in your circle! The right support system is 1st,…YOU!,… then others thats authentic WILL WORK TO SUPPORT YOU WITHOUT YOU ASKING! They will support, NOT HINDER. Your journey is customized by GOD FOR YOU, not them. You have everything you need inside of you, GOD MADE YOU! BELIEVE! This is great absolute motivation ? thank you!!!

  7. Amen!! Thank you Lord for another day. Thank you Lord for giving me a beautiful rest. I feel fresh and anewed. I speak great things over my life and the life over my husband, family, love ones, my brothers and sisters in Christ, and others. Jesus let thy Holy Spirt fill us up we want an over flow we want more of you Lord as we continue our week ahead. Fill us up with your presence. Blessings to you my brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ. May your home be filled with love, joy, peace, happiness and laughter.❤????

  8. I'm struggling to finally finish off my addiction. I have alot of potential I'm I'm top at work. But at night I have alot to work through and my physical health is failing. I need to finally beat all this trauma and take care of myself.

  9. I was homeless, got into drugs, went into prisons, then i got to know Jesus, He changed my life.. Now i have a home, a wife, a lovely daughter and a new identity… A child of God.. Hallelujah

  10. Start small, start simple, start humble, just don't stop starting! You can be world class!

    Just do Believe in yourself so you can defeat this Entire world on by your own.

  11. I had a strong urge to do something that I promised myself I wouldn't. I had lost hope. I came to YouTube accidentally and got intrigued by your video. I have won the urge now. I feel much better. I am gonna go back to being productive again. Thank you so much for providing me with the strength to do it. 🙂

  12. Everyone does have an opinion. You see, I don't need others to think I'm great. ….we are not all going to be on the cover of the Rolling Stones, or rich by world standards, or a household word.
    …..I am working on my purpose, my contribution. And….it…ALL…counts. You, me, we. Blessings beyond measure!!! ❤️