“Why You Shouldn't Be NICE” — Jordan Peterson

“Why You Shouldn't Be NICE” — Jordan Peterson

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In this video, Professor Jordan Peterson gives us an inspirational speech talking about why you shouldn’t be nice. Stick around to the end of this motivational video for a life-changing quote.

We hope you enjoy this motivational video and are inspired to take action, follow your dreams and achieve your goals!

Jordan Bernt Peterson (born 12 June 1962) is a Canadian professor of psychology, clinical psychologist, YouTube personality, motivational personality, and author. He began to receive widespread attention in the late 2010s for his views on cultural and political issues.

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→Don’t waste time on useless videos, watch this motivational speech by Joe Rogan:
and this other motivational speech by Steve Jobs:

Copyright disclaimer:
-Most of the clips on this video are licensed through Creative Commons license from pexels.com
-The rest of the footage is not ours, it has been used in accordance with the Fair Use law with the intent of creating an educational and inspirational video.
-This video has no negative impact on the original works
-Video is fully edited by us
-We do NOT intend in any way to infringe the copyright of the original owners, for any problems/removal requests please contact us at [email protected] and we will deal with it accordingly.

Special Thanks To Dr Jordan B Peterson for these wise words, please go check him out and watch his full lectures!

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/JordanPeter
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jordanbpeterson
Donation Link:https://www.jordanbpeterson.com/donate/

Music license (Permission by owner to use it freely):
Into the blue sky – Emotional inspiring music Keys Of Moon Music
Full credit goes to the artist, thank you for this beautiful track!

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  1. Excellent advise. Work the weakness until it becomes a strength. Look foward to articulating at Jordan's level these concepts until those around me remind me of those same concepts. Another candle has been lit. ?

  2. This is excellent! I never was an agreeable person, but I've learned to be a bit more caring of how I communicate something (I still communicate the same content, but in many cases it makes a difference how I do so).

    My mom on the other hand is an agreeable person, yet this sometimes annoys the hell out of me. And I'm 37. My wife and I not always agree, but it really helps me when she tells me what she doesn't like and how she sees something in a different context.

  3. Don't trust everything you see or listen, there are a lot of facts and logic that crosses each other and that make it miserable for taking the decision.
    So act accordingly and do whatever you want it's your life organize it correctly.

  4. I knew this since i started working. People see kindness as weakness (as a reliable source) and acting like you don't care sometimes is an awesome feeling. It shows you have boundaries.

    My anxiety along with my OCD turned me into a "yes sir" type of worker and now it's broke me from bad management, the type of management that over works people without a thought of care but don't hesitate to threaten you with the sack when you try cut corners.

    It's now sculpted me years later into someone who will do his job well and is kind but when it comes to being asked too much i plainly say no. Not that that's happened much now management has changed over the years. I admit i feel lazy but sometimes the "meh" attitude is what stops me screaming at my steering wheel on the way home.

  5. This has nothing to do with being nice. Agreeability does not equal kindness. Being disagreeable does not make you unkind. The title is deceptive and paints J.P. in a light that doesn't fit the message he is trying to get across. The talk itself is helpful and I agree with the bottom line, speaking your mind is important. That sounds like a much better title for this video.

  6. Introverted ppl don’t want to go to parties and hide in the corner introverted ppl don’t want nor need to observed an extroverted person to learn something they’re fine the way they are. This Jordan Peterson is smoking some hard core weed somehow he want to fix introversion when it isn’t broke

  7. If the video is about the problems of being too agreeable, why is the title, "Why You Shouldn't Be Nice"? Isnt that misleading, especially for people who are just surfing video titles? I wonder how many people are going to see the title, see that the video is by Jordan Peterson, and say to themselves, "Ok, I need to stop being nice." Which is ironically an act of being agreeable… ??

  8. when you have agreeable parents, but they are toxic and mean towards you. thats the worst. they be treating outsiders like family, and treating you like thrash. anything else goes wrong, its always your fault. most

  9. Brilliant speech. Very precise and short. Would love to sit down and talk with an extremely knowledgeable person like Jordan Peterson as a 16 year old. I really want to learn a lot from him at this age.

  10. when you sickness of someone behavior cause he/she has doing so much damage directly to me or my child. he/she is using master violence and hiding rascals etc.. IN THAT SITUATIONS YOU CANT BE NICE.

  11. Your title is very misleading. "Why You Shouldn't Be NICE"
    He never once says nice in this entire video. He was talking about being overly agreeable, in other words, a pushover. It had nothing to do with being nice. You should fix it.

  12. It feels like Jordan Petersons messages apply most to business and ambition. I have met many who move up in life due to their ambition and being disagreeable. They may be Jordan Peterson's role models but I never want to be as miserable as they are and I find that I can be happy with very little.

  13. The problem with being( nice) which seems to me a nuance term naive is more accurate anyway being naive isn't even ethical i always thinking it was till Jordan Peterson debunk this personal myth now i think it's more profound and it's had to do more than just a psychological front it's more had to do with good and evil and that actually very scary

  14. accept the bible or die that is all i have to say…the people that tried to kill God ended up getting killed themselves…communist leader stalin is dead and rotting. his armed guards with nuclear weapons and machine guns and tanks couldnt save him