WHEN ALL HOPE IS GONE – Best Motivational Speech Video (FOR HARD TIMES)

WHEN ALL HOPE IS GONE – Best Motivational Speech Video (FOR HARD TIMES)

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  1. Hope is a powerful thing. When we see the great things that could happen, we will be more likely to achieve them. Dreams combined with plans can lead to greatness. Don't give up!

  2. "I have nothing to prove. I have nothing to protect. I have nothing to hide. And I have nothing to defend. That your perception of me, after I tell my truth, is actually none of my business. My perception of me, that I go to bed as whole and complete as I woke up… before I check on how many likes I have on facebook, that I like me first, and every other like is bonus."

  3. Some hardcore deep down truths being dropped in this video, definitely saving this as a listen every morning reminder. Nitro for the soul

  4. Start with not blaming, an ideology, people, religion, the past, etc. We make our own choices, we have our own mind. Putting anything, or everything, in front of our own mind and power is the first thing that gets to drag us around. You are enough. You can get up and stay up!

  5. Change your attitude change your attitude folks!!

    Remember … The things we say to ourselves is SO important

    Thoughts become things . People looking to be successful trust the process nd enjoy the journey . Celebrate the little steps ?

  6. We all have a journey, and we need to find ourself. The statement "those that see something in you that they can't have" is one incredible statement. It's so true because at that point you've arrived closer to who you are then you have ever been. The biggest part of the journey is to find your purpose and to live that purpose. Your gift is a Divine gift to share and it is what brings the joy to your life. Life is short but it can be absolutely beautiful. Live it with all you have, with all you have been given. Don't give up, be all the you, that you have been created to be.

  7. You are suupposed to win not loosee,dont fall back , u have raised all through this to fight to the end ,not leave it behind for a life regret,.memorise how u have fought all thorugh the tough situations to reach this high,now its time to raise ur inner spirits,burn it to light the way of success