What to Do to Clean Your Brain from COVID-19 Fear and Anxiety | Dr. Daniel Amen

What to Do to Clean Your Brain from COVID-19 Fear and Anxiety | Dr. Daniel Amen

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  1. Prayer is the best way to cleanse your mind. Prayer and meditation. It will keep your vibrations high and your energy grounded. Stay safe everyone and peace and blessings to you and your loved ones!! ?

  2. Its really easy to stop the fear. 1. Turn off the TV. 2. Stop reading newspapers. 3. Do your own research. 4.know that this whole virus is a scam to put you in fear. 5. Know that your an eternal being that does not die.

  3. Hey I think this program is light yrs ahead your into really mind expansion that's. For the now a lot of interesting things know where your coming from on the just knowledge and not operating these amazing ideas your proffesionals.i haven't got back have full plate with stuff I have though communicated text share with different races religious citizens more than I have last 4 years from where I came from I think I'm right path of putting to use the human mind. You gotta go out actively do it people just dont walk up to you I never use be like that I have on my set out to go exploring I've stood on the road sometimes other other lifes not smart shouldn't do. Things. Trip me but it's all good just wrote this I've doing better as a student I would have done well I didnt catch this in time reallity stuff sounds fun guns cool life is best fun later thanks lettin me write this. If knowbody know what hell I'm doing writing this blame it on quarintne he he! Later

  4. Hi Vishen and Dr. Amen, Amazing podcast! ? Totally game changing idea to care about our brain health and to nurture it mentally/physically rather than giving so much attention to our body and its beauty. Wow! ?

  5. Thank you Vishen, and MindValley Collective, all the AMAZING speakers you continue to bring on, such an AWESOME BLESSING.
    I heard Jim Rohn say,
    “You should work on yourself as you work on your job”
    Again, thank you for your dedication to excellence ?
    Much love and God bless you

  6. We're grown up, give us the knowledge-data VOID(no) of Censorship for us to make our choices. Stop giving us GROWN-ups a BABYSITTER. Stop censorship of data, stop treating us a like the dumb farm animals. Change/correct the verbage in the federal government documents that paint people as farm animals. Teach our children skills of thinking in the public-conditioning-centers [SCHOOLS] AS basic knowledge skills to consider all choices and consequences of especially those mystery chemicals. Stop the mystery chemicals with Censorship of their consequences in the poison-distribution-centers [GROCERY-STORES, Hospitals, Pharmacy, vaccines, shots, etcetera] so consumers can have closure of long term health consequences of mystery chemicals within. STOP THIS BABYSITTER CONSTRUCT. We are grown, we can think, we can learn, we can make our own choices, we are void of VOLITION to harm our neighbors. We are peaceful. We are loving. We are compassionate. WE ARE HONEST AND TRUTHFUL. We share our knowledge of new things freely to all on our world. We PRAY. WE PRAY FOR PEACE DAILY. We choose to make our own choices with the raw data void of tampering by the KAKISTOCRACY. : GRATITUDE.

  7. Many Thanks to Dr Amen and Mindvalley Talk. Watched one of his talk on Ted and on my 4th video I ended up here and sure took some notes. Much appreciated guys. I love how revolutionary he is that's what interested me to follow and watch more. There's more puppets out there. Bless you.

  8. Dr Daniel do u know caffeine is naturally in vegetables ect and do you know women need more caffeine than men and do you no caffeine isn't a drug it's in the human body???just like cancer cells.cancer is not a problem still it starts to go crazy