Universal Interconnectedness | Science & Spirituality

Universal Interconnectedness | Science & Spirituality

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In this conversation with Lothar Schäfer, Eckhart discusses our shared connection with consciousness and how science and …

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  1. Just think if you cannot see God how can you believe in it? But who cares is what most people except. Science will never touch anything close to God. They don’t teach anything important in school. Food is the only thing any life form needs. It is solid without it , it will die. .

  2. What an outstanding discourse! It is a bridge between worlds, and a first step on a long road to healing and dissolving great divisions, both in the microcosm of our selves, and the macrocosm of our global society. Tremendous gratitude to both Eckhart and Lothar for this talk!!!!

  3. One of the issues with religion in and of itself apart from science and spirituality is that religion can never seem to come to an agreement on basically anything so peace is never formed. Now I think that they're are scientists who are religious but when you talk about only JUST religion is that individual space the only thing it's good for is promotion. I am a strong and firm believer that Science and Spirituality concert each other so grandly and fervently that its almost always nigh impossible to separate the two.

  4. Magnificent talk. I had always found it difficult to deal science with spirituality. Quantum physics make it understandable. The way it is presented in this video makes it so easy and natural. Thanks 🙂

  5. Is highly unlikely that the book of Lothar will be translated to my native language ever. Maybe someone knows if there is any possibility to buy his book (in English is fine) formatted as an e-book. I will be thankful. Best regards.

  6. Gorgeous to listen to both of them. The weirdest thing about these two wonderful wise man is: They are talking to each other in English although they are both German. And in addition, I’m writing this in English although I’m German.

  7. It's a pity Tolle possesses zero scientific knowledge .
    Makes the dialogue rather one sided. Though , of course ,
    he always uses the get – out clause that his words can have
    a " different meaning " from the generally accepted one.
    It's a favourite ploy among con artists like him. Luckily
    the Rubes swallow it every time..

  8. At 19 minutes in, we get the gist—the continuity of reality as expressed in the continuum of particle/wave/form. Hence, the coinherence of the material and “spiritual.” That which no longer exists in substance still exists in essence—as a “form,” a data stream (within

  9. I sense my awareness expanding as I listen. I find it fascinating how energy, vibes, information, inspirations… Come to my awareness in waves also, like the ocean.
    I agree content physics should be taught in school, but the powers-to-be wouldn’t want conscious human beings walking around, zombies are easier to control ?

  10. mre accurately IQ tests are a measure of the ease of learning objective things, but is not a measure of what you've learned. one can have a low iQ and strive to learn complex topics, and they will have more knowledge than the one who learns quite easily, but never puts in the effort. anyone is capable of anything so long as they stay dedicated to achieving it, high IQ or no.