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“They found water on the sun”

✅SELF-HYPNOSIS AUDIO PROGRAMS: (Reprogram Your Subconscious)

✅6 Hz Auto-Suggestion Program

✅Motivational Alarm Tones

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Michael Tellinger
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  1. This dude is a lunatic and he's arguing semantics. Yes, there's water everywhere because hydrogen and oxygen are one of the most abundant elements in the universe, next to helium and carbon. So what? It's completely meaningless if the water is in a state that does not permit life. We've been looking at space for centuries and while it's all very fascinating to think about, there's really nothing for us out there, even if there is water everywhere. When they say that space is a vacuum, they don't mean that it is an absolute vacuum and that there's nothing there. Obviously there are millions of atoms of stuff in space. What they mean is that it's enough of a vacuum to effectively consider it as such. It's enough of a vacuum that if you try to breathe in a breath of space, the air is pushed out of your lungs so forcefully that both your lungs and your blood vessels are torn to shreds. Little bits of water molecules in space do not make it any less deadly. They don't change a thing, which is why real scientists (what this guy is not) don't pay them any real attention, apart from a rudimentary observation or fun fact. Please don't take this hogwash for granted folks, next thing you know you'll start thinking that 432 Hz is a divine frequency that heals cancer

  2. The term vacuum is actually poorly choosen by astrophysicist,
    Because it's not a perfect vacuum,
    Think of it like density.

    A good example it's like oil and water and how they don't mix because of different densities,
    The heaviest or most dense sink to the bottom, the lightest or most subtle float to the top.

    It's Not that space is a vacuum it's that atoms are actually very very dispersed,
    Like having a only few grains of sand in any direction within a mile, which is Very dilute and dispensed, there are also all sorts of Electromagnetic Waves from Radio to Xray and Gamma Bursts.

    The idea of a vacuum of space has led to much confusion amongst civilian and even scientists.

    Rather than viewing space as a dense liquid, imagine it operated at a higher octave, a more subtle, lighter form.

    Much like Visible light is an octave lower that Ultraviolet or XRays.

    Or a note on a piano is an octave higher or lower.

    This naturally occuring scale exist throughout existence, it is one of the fundamental principles of vibration,
    Hermetic Philosophy has been teaching for Centuries, as well as many other spiritual or religious traditions.

    You can see evidence of this divine principles in the bible and everyday life.

    For just a small example of this associative understanding
    Of structure.

    7 being a Holy Number
    Sometimes even said to be
    the number of God…

    There are 7 colors in the rainbow
    There are 7 Virtues
    There are 7 Musical Notes
    There are 7 Sorrows of the world
    There are The 7 Sins,
    7 wonders of the world,
    7 days of a week,

    The highest octave would be so subtle,
    That to the lower density of oue current percieved world view, space would appear vacuous.

    I hope this helps explain. ?
    May God Aid you in,
    Your Search for Truth.

    Because the next step is to
    Think about the empty space within
    Atoms, this is where most people,
    Start really havings difficult time understanding, because we are 99.9% space within our atoms And to the average mind this is a crazy idea.
    Because we are also 80% water.
    Which is also mostly empty space within its atoms.

  3. * I will forever be indebted to you, you have changed my entire life and I will continue to preach on your name for the world' to hear that you save me from huge financial debt with little investment thank you very much Expert Mrs… Clara

  4. "Prima materia"
    Dimensions are just an other State of matter,
    "Water" is the physical manifestation of sound.
    Everything is "Sound"
    The liquidity and fluidity of water in many state of matter are expressed in different dimensions.
    But all dimensions comes from one dimension
    It's actually an non/zero dimension.
    Because all is one and equal to life!
    Life is substance…
    Substance is water…
    One can say that water is substancely fundamental as "Self"

    …. We are self. ?

  5. I have issue with the claim there is no vacuum in space. Everything from sputnic to the moon landings and beyond needs vacuum as the foundation of space travel engineering. Yes there is untold amounts of ice [which is just pure water] in the cosmos and in liquid form too in places. It is just that all that water along with everything else is in a space vacuum.

    There is no problem with the existence of vacuum space aligning with everything else you spoke of. I just think you are in error over this one important point. This bad error of yours deeply erodes taking your word on much of the valuable information you share.

  6. Successful people don't become that way overnight. What most people see at a glance- wealth, a great career, purpose-is the result of hard work and hustle over time. I pray that anyone who reads this will be successful in life..

  7. Way too woo woo.
    I resent it when smart people intentionally cherry pick facts and talk a wacky load of bullshit. Basically this guy is a liar. He's pretending not to understand science to make people disbelieve science. This is the exact opposite of inspirational.

  8. the main basic for creating everything in universe is water , the prophet of god muhammad‏(صلى الله عليه وسلم) said that 1400 years ago. thats meaning quran and bible come from same recourse because cristian people must belive to islam now after this

  9. I was barely 23 when I finished a graduate science degree – proof of ability to memorize & regurgitate & proof of a very compartmentalized & limiting zeitgeist & cosmology centered around the 5 senses. It's only decades later now – after suspending disbelief & belief enough to study psychedelic agents, ETs, remote viewing (Farsight & others), ITC (instrumental transcommunication with disembodied beings – Steve Huff & others), NDEs, psychic mediums who communicate with the souls/spirits/higher selves of dead people (e.g. Matt Fraser & others), retranslation of ancient narratives (Paul Wallis & 5th Kind – primarily understanding the role of ET Anunnaki gods (small-g) in human development vs. God/Father/Source) & animal communicators – that my recognition of universal holographic consciousness really took wing. I have evolved from Southern Methodist to agnostic to atheist to, "We never die; our bodies do."

  10. Mike Tellinger was the one who totally rewrote history, prove Darwin was 180°off and disproved the out of Africa theory 100% as the 100's of 1000's of metal thriving extremophiles around deep ocean sea vents (stone circles) covering the African content say this : if we did come out of Africa we swam out. it was ocean floor basin until after the most recent deluge the flood displaced the whole ecosystem and scattered it to the ocean depths. Darwin was misled by that fact

  11. Aether…the birthing waters of the deep. When light heats it flows like a river in spectrum technicolor carrying the consciousness.
    Sacred it is.
    The Word…Logos…ATUM…
    Out of the void,,the darkest dark holds the most light.
    Here the continuum begins again.

  12. let me get this straight??, NASA and the bible … two of the biggest deceptions in history is at the epi-center of the proof he's espousing? now THAT IS TOTALLY HILARIOUS. THE WHOLE THING OF S P A C E IS UNPROVABLE